I’m writing a guide for how to use a particular textbook series with all the different types of courses out there. It’s going to highlight courses like traditional university courses with computer labs, 4 credit vs. 2 credit courses, courses without any technological aids (ie, just a white board or chalk board), etc. etc. There’s two course types I’m having trouble with, though. They’re the self-paced and the distance courses.
From my standpoint, all the little tips I can think of work with both distance and self-paced courses. Stuff like “use Web links to annotate our text!” and “Communicate via e-mail, it’s very convenient when there’s no face-to-face class time” are equally valid for either distance OR self-paced, IMO. However, the person I’m doing this guide thinks otherwise. He wants two separate headings - one for Distance, one for Self-Paced. He thinks they’re very different things, but is having trouble telling me exactly what’s different about them.
I don’t want to have two sections that are identical other than a couple tips. However, I’m having a really hard time coming up with 5-6 issues that I’d deal with differently in a self-paced class vs. a distance class. Both have problems with keeping students on-pace because there’s no class time. Both require that the bulk of coursework must be done away from class. Neither have lectures.
About the only thing I can think of that separate the two is that a self-paced course could have proctored tests, and the distance course might not. Other than that, from a teaching standpoint, what’s different? How would your syllabus be different? What issues may come up in one course type but not the other?