Has anyone read Tabitha King?

I am a huge Stephen King fan and I’m wondering if her books are in the same league. Specifically, I’m looking at The Trap. Should I give it a shot?


Could you elaborate a little as to why not?

I’ve read a couple of Tabitha books (and am also a HUGE Stephen King fan).

As to whether or not you should read Tabitha’s. It depends, if your looking for a book with the impact and classic storytelling of Stephen. Then no, they just don’t live up to the standard.

Tabitha seems to have used the same device as her husband, by creating a fictional town “Nodds Ridge” (a la Castle Rock) and writing a number of novels using characters from within the town. Each book refers to incidents in previous books.

Generally,(in my opinion)her books are fairly lightweight. I didn’t dislike them, the theme of her books tends to rely on small town predjudices/secrets and a touch of mystery with a bit of romance thrown in.

Hey, if it’s there on a second-hand bookshelf, I’ll probably grab it - but then again I’ll read anything.

Thanks Altered. I know that not all authors can write fiction like Steve, and I try to not hold that against them. :wink:

I’ve enjoyed works by Mary Higgins Clark, which are totally lightweight. I also like Elizabeth George, who is pretty darn close to writing as well as SK, although both authors are in a different genre.

However, I cannot stand Dean Koontz. I have some good short story collections and I think I’ll check out some authors who have contributed.

Back to Tabitha, I think I’m going to give it a try. I need to broaden my horizons!

I’ve only read one of hers – One on One – which was not a horror story. I found it quite good and would consider rereading it.

I read one of hers, once. I think it was Small World.

Perhaps time would have lent perspective, but I found it horrible. Lightweight doesn’t begin to describe it. Asinine, maybe. An incredibly weak plot with little character development and not a smidgen of horror or even suspense to keep me reading. It was a car wreck of a book, where I ended up finishing it just because I couldn’t believe it was THAT BAD.

I would probably read another one of hers at this point if it were given to me, but oh, my. Wasn’t that one just bad. Bad. The baddest bad book in Badville. Bad.

Okay, maybe it wasn’t that bad, but lord, it wasn’t good.

I’ve never read her, because of an infantile prejudice that she’s just riding on hubbie’s coattails. For all I know, she could be a masterful novelist. I just couldn’t get past the King bio information, which says, “he lives in Maine with his wife, the novelist Tabatha King.” The novelist! Like I should automatically know her or something.

Glad to see my pissy little slight is justified, in the opinion of a few here!

And hey monster, if you’re looking to broaden your horizons, read someone really good! Have you tried Barbara Kingsolver (I recommend Prodigal Summer, or if you’re in an epic mood, The Poisonwood Bible) or Sena Jeter Naslund? Ahab’s Wife is one of the best books I’ve ever read. More good books by female authors (IMO): The Red Tent by Anita Diamant, Expecting Adam by Martha Beck (most moms I know have really enjoyed this book) or anything by Gail Godwin.

My god, I love anyone who uses this. :slight_smile:

I’ve been using it since I read it in Bloom County, and it makes me smirk every time.

Uh, you do realize they met in college and were attracted to each other becaues they were both English majors with asperations of becoming a writer, right? Just becaues he happens to be more famous, and maybe better at it, doesn’t mean she’s riding his coattails. What was she supposed to do? Give up her dream as soon as Carrie was published?

Uh, you do recognize self-deprecating humor when you see it, right?

I’ve read two of her books, One on One, and one other whose title I cannot remember, but it concerned a mother and her young son who escaped from four rural hoodlums. I thought both were quite good.

Frankly, I don’t see how some of you can insist Stephen King is that much better a writer considering some of the shit he has put into print. Cujo, Eye of the Dragon, and Gerald’s Game spring to mind as books best left unwritten not to mention that horrible book he did about werewolves. Thank God passage of the years has obliberated its title from memory.

Ok, so maybe I’ll head over to the library and just borrow one of her books so that I won’t be mad if I spend the money and then find that the book sucks.

Thanks for the recommendations, Ellen! But, I looked those books up at amazon and they’re really not my cup of tea. I like horror and murder/mystery types best. Legal thrillers are also good reading for me.

And Nymysys, my sweet, why don’t you tell me how you really feel about that book? :wink:

I feel that if you’re going to read a Tabitha King book, it probably shouldn’t be Small World. :slight_smile:

If you do check her out, monster, please let us know how it goes, okay? This thread has made me consider giving her another try, and one more “okay” or “middlin’” vote might push me over the edge.