I saw on one of the movie channels a few years ago (in one of those fillers between movies) a documentary about a young man going through the process of getting a bullet “professionally” shot through his body so he could have a nice gun shot scar.
The process if I remember correctly is that he went to a garage of a man who did this, got his gunshot wound, and was taken outside to a waiting ambulence. I thought I saw the very end of it last night, but wasn’t sure… but it sure jiggled the grey matter. Which brought to mind some questions.
Is this actually done, and if so, is it a “rage” or on the edge of the extreme for body art people?
Is this legal? I mean, I don’t care how many consent forms you sign, are you really able to open shop to shoot people under the pretense that it’s body art?
Who pays for this? Would normal insurance have to pick up the tab, or would they consider this “elective surgery”?
The folks in the documentary were very interesting, and they made no attempts to cover their identities. Were they in danger of being arrested, or would this vary from state to state?
Don’t know, but I’d wager that laws were broken, probably along the lines of unlawful discharge of a firearm, etc.
I’d say that no insurance company in the world would pay for that.
See #2.
I know, no definitive answers. But that video was nutz. What I want to know, is what was with the ambulance just hanging around outside waiting to take the guy to the hospital? If that whole thing were real, wouldn’t they be obligated to report that to the cops?
It looked real enough, but it wouldn’t surprise me if it were faked somehow.
It’s been a while since I’ve seen the video, but I’m pretty sure that the credits indicate that it’s fictional. Actors are credited as the characters IIRC.
Haven’t seen the video, but read an editorial about such a thing in a recent issue of a tattoo magazine (can’t remember which one) in which the editor called the piece a parody. I hadn’t heard that this had been done before as a performance piece.
Wouldn’t it be easier to find a plastic surgeon who could create a scar that resembled a gunshot wound? Wimpier, of course, but without the legal/ethical worries that the “real thing” entails. (That, and the possibility of gettin’ yersef kilt’, dagnabbit.)
I can’t even begin to understand this stuff (i.e. what drives someone to do this). But on the disturb-o-meter, they are about the same to me. Even though one is fictional, I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s been tried or is being done somewhere.
I don’t find GSW art as disturbing as voluntary amputation of healthy body parts. If done correctly it’s not nearly as damaging, and you are not handicapping yourself in any serious way. It’s something I’d consider doing, except I’d probably do it myself and report that I got shot in a mugging or something, to avoid the mental health professionals (BRAIN NAZIS) giving me any more attention.
I have never met anyone with a “gun shot mod”, myself, but I can’t imagine raising an eyebrow if I did. It doesn’t seem that much different to me than, say, sounding or tongue splitting, the latter of which I intend to undergo eventually myself. Badtz, are you saying you’ve actually seen these gun shot people? Are there any online resources for such a thing? Neither BME nor Google yielded anything on the subject.
Amputation is just… huh. I guess it’s just because it disables the person, affects their mobility for the rest of their life, that I can’t seem to get my head around it.
Heh, actually I started out that post intending to point out the differences between amputation and getting shot, but I realized I was sounding weird and just decided to go with it. 8^)
Thanks for the link - the link in the OP was broken, but the ensuing discussion was interesting nonetheless. I’ve done a lot of casual research on self-amputation, feederism, nullification and other “extreme” and unusual fetishes/lifestyles, so that type of thing always fascinates me.
I would love to meet an apotemnophiliac and chat with them and partake of some tea (through really really long straws).
I seen this clip tonight. I am so glad that it is fiction. I was thinking WTF? Is this real? I can’t believe he is going to shoot this guy. Good grief that can’t be legal. Thank you, thank you, thank you for being a work of fiction! Looked real to me and had me going for sure.
I found it. It’s called Delusions in Modern Primitivism. Google it and it will probably bring u to the YouTube video. Crazy shit! I totally saw that years ago and was never able to find it.