As the title asks: Has a human being ever vomited in space?
Yup - may have happened earlier but certainly occurred on Apollo 8
The movie Apollo 13 has a fine recreation of Fred Hayes and his zero g vomit.
Somewhat related: roughly 2/3 of people vomit their first time in 0g (regardless of whether that is in space or not).
I don’t believe anyone has ever vomited while on a spacewalk, however. According to what I’ve read, that would probably kill you.
From howye’s link:
Makes spaceflight seem a LOT less glamorous…
Yeah, my respect for Jim Lovell (already high*) went way up after reading that. To be willing to risk dealing with that again? That’s the right stuff.
(Of course, the fact that it also happened on Apollo 13 makes me wonder if maybe he’s just bad luck to be in a capsule with. )
*I have an Apollo 8 mission patch sewn onto a jacket I wear fairly regularly.
The excellent and highly underrated HBO series From the Earth to the Moon features a number of zero-G vomit scenes, including the Apollo 8 incident mentioned above.
Or it may result in something like this
I take it it feels much lik ebeing inebriated what with the dizziness and vomiting. One might even say that 0g SMASHED!
I once vomited in the space my clean socks normally occupied.