Like, ever? Because after playing I-don’t-know-how-many games where I could only form one complete suit, I’m starting to think it’s not humanly possible. Does anyone have any tips or strategies?
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but… Play freecell!. That is at least a game of pure skill. Too much luck involved in spider solitaire.
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Oh, yes, quite a few times. (my study breaks) One strategy that I employ that seems to work is to make sure you get as many cards off the bottom as you can. In other words don’t match a card to the same suite if you have a card from another suite that will play and get another card off the bottom. Does that make sense?
Yes, often. The key is to get a good draw, then keep the suit going as long as possible. If you have to, stack red on black to make room or turn over a card, but don’t go more than two or three deep with this - you could regret it later.
I loves me some four suit spider.
Harmonix, FreeCell gets boring after the umpty-millionth game. I’m too good at it.
Snickers, BF, thanks for the tips! I’ll keep those in mind next time I play.
I average over 50% success. In the begining (in fact always) try to expose as many unexposed cards as possible. The key is to get to the bottom of as many piles as possible as soon as possible. If you get an empty pile, don’t leave it empty if you can expose another card. The exception is Kings. Leave them alone untill all the non King covered piles are exhausted. Obviously, try to keep suits together where possible.
I do pretty well with four-suit spider, but only if I have a program that lets me have an unlimited number of undos (or at least to the last suit-competion) and save games. You have to be willing to go waaay back and see what you did wrong.
Another tip. If you have a choice of two moves of, say, a 7 to an 8: if both 7s are on top of an unexposed card move the 7 which is closer to the bottom of its pile (unless there is a suit match). You want to get as many empty columns (including columns with one face up card) as soon as you can.
Learn and love ctrl-Z. That’s the “undo move” shortcut. Use it to explore what’s under other stacks…for instance, if you have a 5 showing, and more than one 4 showing, find out what’s underneath all of the 4’s by moving them one by one to the 5, and using undo. When you discover which underlying card affords you the best opportunity to keep things moving, then move that one and then move on. Keep doing this as the opportunity arises.
That said…I think I’m pretty good at this game, and my stats on 4-suit Spider are only 9% won on average. Feh.
I win a least once a day (normally pay an hour) I second both Snickers and InvidiousCourgette I’m not a big fan of undo (unless I made a real obvious mistake). Further to thier suggestions. When you get an empty space, use it to fix mismatched suits.