Has Obama spent a million dollars to hide his birth certificate?

Because these people are nuts. Any document that is produced will either be not quite what they were looking for, or a forgery. There weren’t any birthers until Obama posted his birth certificate online. Do you understand how crazy that is?

It’s not a wildfire any more than the rumors about the Clintons murdering Vince Foster or that 9/11 was an inside job is a wildfire. A group of hard core lunatics believes it and is immune to all evidence. There’s nothing to be done about them, and engaging them at all is a waste of time and would only give more credence to the idea that Obama’s citizenship is disputable.
And if anything, Obama’s people pay too much attention to Fox News and Rush Limbaugh.

I remember the Foster rumors, this is MUCH bigger:

O Rly.

There are birth announcements in two Hawaiian newspapers from just after his birth. The birthers don’t care. They can explain anything as being a conspiracy to cover up the truth. Hey, wait until you hear about the deathers. They claim that not only was Obama not born in the U.S. but that he died several years ago. They’ve found a death certificate that they insist is genuine. So not only is Obama not an American citizen, he’s not even alive anymore.

I’ve been misreading.

I thought it was Oily Taint.

Do you think they really saw it or that they saw the same Certificate of Live Birth we all saw and believed it when they were told that was what Hawaii hands out now that all the records have been computerized? Because that’s what I’d do. They’re busy politicians and don’t have time for humoring the insane, especially if they aren’t voters in Hawaii.

I would have thought the Deathers were the ones who believe his visit to his grandmother in Hawaii days before her death was made to get rid of her before she TOLD ALL!

It’s my understanding that death isn’t a barrier to participating in Illinois politics, as voter or candidate.

Oh God, I have no hope left.

It isn’t but being dead in Hawaii does limit your voting options. Those infamous dead voters did still reside in their wards, at least physically.

This wouldn’t be the first time the president was assassinated and replaced by robots. 500 trivia points to whoever comes up with one that fell victim to the Bolsheviks.

It wasn’t just Foster, I might add. Clinton was also rumored to have participated in some kind of drug deal while in office and then killed the witnesses, and was accused of other murders, too. Hillary was supposed to be a lesbian. There was a lot of stupid shit out there.
Is the percentage of people who buy into this crap higher? Possibly. The Internet was not as widely used in 1991 as it is now. And the percentage of Republicans who believe Obama is not a citizen keeps going up as the number of people who admit to being Republicans goes down. :wink: Nonetheless, this is not wildfire or a crisis, and it’s not something that can be dealt with through rational means.

This shit is why people drink or take drugs.
How can anyone argue with that? Did he have to go in front of a death panel?

Seems sort of perverse to use the millions someone is using to defend themselves from your own frivilous lawsuits as evidence of their likely guilt.

It was a joke, guys. But, hey, you’re invited to spread the story about the deathers further if you’d like.

It might have something to do with this: The RW has made much of an “executive order” Obama purportedly signed to keep his BC concealed. However, the order in question applies only to the federal Archivist, not any state officials of Hawaii (over whom the POTUS has no authority in any case). Furthermore, the order does not prohibit release of anything, but merely requires the Archivist to notify the Admin before releasing anything that might touch on executive privilege. (Remember executive privilege? Bush and Cheney were always talking about it.)

Slate has a good recap.

See also Snopes.

PolitiFact has been covering this for a while now:

Obama’s Birth Certificate: Final Chapter – 06/27/08.

The Free Flow of Information Act of 2009 “would guarantee Barack Obama will never be held accountable for producing forged birth documents.” – 05/24/09. Truth-O-Meter rating: PANTS ON FIRE

White House spokesman Robert Gibbs “lied” when he said President Obama’s birth certificate is posted on the Internet. – 06/17/09. Truth-O-Meter rating: FALSE

Obama’s birth certificate: Final chapter. This time we mean it! – 07/01/09

More ‘birther’ announcements – 07/21/09

So? He’s a negro, he has access to Voodoo zombification technology.

My BIL is a birther. We had a big discussion about this at the lake one weekend. On Monday, I sent him a bunch of links supporting my contention that it’s all hogwash.

In reply, I got no links, no cites, just a cryptic “Look a little deeper.” That’s what it’s all about. No matter what the evidence is, you just haven’t researched it enough.

The thing hat he released was a Certification of Live Birth, provided by the State of Hawaii, based on their computerized records. That’s what you usually get when you ask the state for a copy of your birth certificate.

The “vault copy” would be the Certificate of Live Birth, prepared by the hospital and turned over to the State. Copies of that don’t go out. That’s the piece of paper that the director of the state Department of Health certified that she saw and confirmed that the President was born in Hawaii.