Has Obama spent a million dollars to hide his birth certificate?

Is the the political version of Poe’s law?

I believed you. That’s how far things have gone, that I believed you that deathers were real.

What’s the name of that internet law about the impossibility of saying something so outrageous that it’s obvious satire?

OK, the PS was mean. But if all he has is ‘Look a little deeper’, then he deserves the body of the letter.

I thought it was to generate sympathy votes?
Wendell Wagner – at this point, I wouldn’t be surprised. Someone should float that idea to the Freepers and see what happens.

I thought Wendell Wagner was being serious too - because it sounded a little like the accusation that Obama has been using a Social Security Number belonging to someone born 119 years ago.

points to the post directly above yours


Oops! I didn’t see that. Thanks!

Even if that WAS true, aren’t all sosh #'s recycled anyways? I thought someone told me that.

I’m still waiting for the “okay, okay, SOMEONE named Barack Obama was born… wait… OMG OBAMA IS LIVING UNDER A STOLEN IDENTITY” one (or is that part of the SSN claim, it’s hard to keep up).

What I don’t understand is why where Obama was born matters in the first place: he could have been born anywhere in the world, and as long as his mother was American citizen Ann Dunham, he’d be guaranteed American citizenship, too. So why not just do a DNA test proving he’s related to his mother, and be done with the matter? Or are the birthers claiming that his mother’s not really his mother, or that she’s not an American citizen herself?

**The real answer, I know, is that you can’t reason with these people anyways, and the administration should just ignore him. I just don’t understand why all the focus is on the where of his birth.

From what I understand, for that law to take effect the mother has to have been a citizen for a certain amount of years or be a certain age (not sure on the specifics) and Obama’s mom wasn’t the didn’t meet the requirements by something like two years when she gave birth, so if she WAS abroad at the time that defense doesn’t hold.

Did you see the link they had in their update (the one that admits, grudgingly, that they misinterpreted the relevant statutes)? It’s proof, ABSOLUTE PROOF that the Certificate of Live Birth was forged!!!1!

Frankly, said “proof” made my head swim. Which was probably the purpose.

(Weird thing about that post - besides the above - at the end, they asked for Hawaii residents to look for contemporary newspaper birth announcements. Don’t they know about the one already found? Or do they not believe in it?)

Even worse…there are TWO contemporary Honolulu newspaper announcements.

Obama’s mother and grandparents are dead, and even if he could, I am sure he will not be bothering any of his elderly white relatives for a DNA sample. DNA could prove he is related to his half-sister Maya, but I don’t think the birthers would be interested in that.

As I understand it, the laws at the time Obama was born were such that he would not have been a citizen if he were born outside the U.S. Of course it’s irrelevant because he was born in Hawaii.

His sisters name is Maya? Which is the Hindu and Buddhist term for “illusion”? The dots are starting to connect!

Oh, wait. No they aren’t.

It helps if you cross your eyes.

It’s all about this.

There’s also this.

You know very well what would happen. It would be featured on Fox News in a week.

Look, it is obvious what is going on here. With her accent, she is clearly a Commie plant, deep cover, to be activated as soon as we got a president who wasn’t screwing up the country without any help. Especially good now they’ve got a KGB man running the place. Where does she get her money? Law - I think she’s tried one case. Dentist? When does she practice? Real estate agent? Get real? In this market? The money is coming right from Moscow, guaranteed.

Feel free to copy and use this to respond to any birther email you get. Just call your Pubble friend a Commie stooge and sit back and enjoy.