Has Obama spent a million dollars to hide his birth certificate?

Nobody asked him to prove anything. He was asked for evidence that Obama wasn’t born in Hawaii. Do you know the difference between proof and evidence?

You’re posting gibberish. Could you explain, in detail, what evidence you have that Obama was born outside of the country?

Also, explain in detail, what evidence you have that you were not born to a pedophile priest and a cocaine addicted whore in Japan and sold to your present parents for a carton of menthols and a bottle of 7-up?

You don’t even understand that you must provide evidence of what you are asserting. This is how the universe works. You don’t have evidence, so instead you clumsily fumble around and attack the evidence that is there for Obama’s Hawaiian birth.

You have not discredited any evidence of Obama’s birth and you have not provided any evidence of the bizarre conspiracy theory you think happened.

Just because you hate Obama doesn’t mean every negative thing you hear about him is true.

Yes, evidence is something that leads to proof. Now, what evidence do you expect him to provide?

None of this is relevant, because Don doesn’t have the most important job in the world. ie. Keeping Americans from attacking everyone they perceive as a threat.

What evidence do you expect Obama to provide to show that he was born in Hawaii? Apparently a birth certificate, a newspaper birth announcement, the testimony of the two people responsible for confirming it aren’t enough?

This is why you’re a conspiracy theorist. You don’t understand how to reason properly.

Look, I’ll explain it to you:

You, Ivan Astikov, were born on a moving train, to a princess and her true-love bodyguard as they ran from her father and the arranged marriage they had set up for her.

That is an assertion. I’m saying that you are royalty and that specific facts are true.

What a person who knows how to think would do, is ask what evidence I have for that.

What a conspiracy theorist would do is question the records of your actual birth, as if that would prove the first part about the train.

That’s what you do, that’s what Don does, you don’t provide evidence for the initial story, that Obama was born out of country or you were born on a train to a princess on the run. You instead question birth certificates and come up with bizarre chains of fantasy about how they can be faked and assume that this is evidence of the first story.

What you and other conspiracy theorists don’t understand is that poking holes at evidence isn’t evidence of your preferred theory. Especially when you poke those holes with ignorant and non-factual arguments. Like you and the demolition of the towers, you don’t understand the issue and somehow your ignorance puts you above actual experts.

Records from a hospital in Kenya. Eyewitness testimony from someone who saw his mother get on the plane/arranged her travel, or records from the airline. Eyewitness testimony from the doctor in Kenya who made the delivery. Documentation from the Kenyan ministry of whatever-it-is showing that she had entered the country.

Edit: Not all of this. Any of this.

Any evidence. Is there any evidence that President Obama wasn’t born in Hawaii? If not, all you have is a baseless assertion.
Is it a baseless assertion , or is there evidence?

If there ever was evidence, would you expect it to still be around now if it was likely to ruin the Golden One’s gig?

I don’t have to prove that governments get up to dodgy stuff; that’s a given. What you have to prove is that they aren’t doing it in this case.

Last I checked, Obama was not in charge of the Kenyan ministry of public health. Or its customs and immigration authorities. Once again:

Hey, I agree there is no evidence that Obama was born outside the US, but I don’t think this is a valid defense against all the BS. Political candidates are beholden to strategy above all else. It is possible that McCain and his staff were convinced that Obama wasn’t born in the US, but saw the issue as a politcal loser and decided not to act. Especially after seeing Hillary try and fail at the same. I’m not saying that’s how it happened, just that it seems a weak arguement when there are so many other strong ones.

Semi-related, I don’t understand why Orly is mocked for being a lawyer, dentist, and real estate agent. If someone I supported were so accomplished, I would hold that in their favor. Just because she is a crackpot doesn’t deminish her accomplishment of passing the bar, getting a dental degree and (to a lesser extent) passing the real estate agent requirements.

None, or evidence that is questionable if it never happened. A standard, unaltered, original copy of the birth certificate, if it did.

Anyone got an example of what an ordinary citizen’s certificate looks like, who was born at the same time?

The implication is that if someone as disconnected from reality as O RLY can get credentials in those fields, they must not have terribly exacting standards.

More examples of how you aren’t thinking of this correctly. How do you know Obama didn’t kill hookers? How do you know Obama didn’t rape children? How do you know Obama didn’t cause the financial meltdown with a cabal of bankers and hollywood types. There is literally an infinite amount of possible bullshit you could assert.

Without evidence, why do you assert any of it? Your beliefs here are more a reflection of your prejudices than anything about Obama. You think he must of been born out of the country because he’s so “foreign”. Why don’t you think he raped children? There is exactly the same amount of evidence for that. None.

Honestly, it’s sad to see how fragmented and worthless your arguments are. You don’t know how to argue facts and it’s all schadenfreudey.

That’s honestly a worthless comment. Do I have to prove that the government isn’t raping you in your sleep? You need evidence to assert something, otherwise it’s just bullshit talk.

You need to understand this before people will take you seriously.

Hillary didn’t try and fail. She tried, and then a member of her own campaign staff discovered the Honolulu newspaper announcement, and they realized they were wrong and gave up.

As far as Oily Taint goes, I suppose it’s sort of impressive that she passed the bar, but she went to an unaccredited law school, and it shows. I’m not sure what to make of her dental degree; dentists appear to be able to practice in Israel with just a bachelor’s degree, which is kind of scary, but I’m not sure about that.

Anyway, it’s not that she’s mocked for being so qualified; she’s mocked for being totally off her rocker despite being so qualified. She should know better.

Birth certificates are not standardized in the US; each state issues its own. However, about a dozen people have already posted in this thread to point out that their certified copies look pretty much the same as Obama’s.

Ther prediction:

Next page:

Unfalsifiable. I’m psychic.

Here’s your $5.

Not entirely true. It could be theoretically shown that birth certificates for Hawaii are changable enough that they are unreliable versus other states. Of course this has not been shown, nor has sufficient evidence been presented that would even remotely call into question Obama’s birthplace. But the validity of the birth records could be called into question, in theory.

And he didn’t say anything about a $10 million payoff. Give me back my $5!

This is just mental gymnastics to me. I don’t take anything that seriously, unless it’s a matter of life and death for me or my loved ones.