Has this been done yet? Maine GOP adopts Tea Party platform.


He is a political commentator on MSNBC. That’s what they do.

Oh. News. On television.

There’re still people who think that’s a good idea, eh?

Well, they were representative enough to get their platform passed as the platform of the GOP in one of the several states. At what point will you accept that the Tea Party movement is representative of the GOP? Now that, you know, they’ve driven a moderately conservative Crist out of the party, refused to renominate an absolutely conservative Bennett, and in Maine adopted a platform in which the primary points appear to be opposition to ACORN and a One World Government.

How long will you go on?

Really? I thought you were in SF Bay Area. Wrong bay, then?

Let me guess: you don’t own a television, so those that do are philistines. :rolleyes:

I’m a bit north of Portland yet still have all my teeth. :smiley: See?

Here’s another bit of fun some of the party faithful were up to during their recent convention. http://www.kjonline.com/news/republican-officialapologizes-forclassroom-behavior_2010-05-12.html

Wrong. I own two televisions. It’s just been my experience that attempts to deliver news of the day’s events using it as a medium always devolve into exercises in alternately terrorizing and titillating the audience. For the sake of advertising revenue.

I prefer to use my television as a source of entertainment, from which I do not [del]pretend[/del] aspire to glean edification or awareness of the world around me. Worthwhile programming, in other words, such as Spongebob, The Venture Bros., Phineas and Ferb, and (of course) the Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show. :smiley:

Same story here has a few more details that make the GOP’ers look even more shameful.

I’m not hanging on to anything. Maybe I wasn’t clear, but what I was trying to say is that this was just a few TPers who wrote up the platform, so we don’t know how representative they are of the TP movement as a whole.

Do the TPers now represent the GOP? You tell me-- I really don’t know or care. They seem to be gaining in influence, state by state. I think the real test will be who gets the nomination for the GOP next time.

Tamerlane: Native New Englander, grew up there, went to college there, most of my family still lives there, but I have lived in CA for a long time.

Oh, man – referring to them as “TPers” is almost as entertaining as their self-reference “tea baggers”. :smiley:

:eek: :frowning: Holy crap! What is happening to people?

Do they really honestly believe that there’s any serious threat of one world government?

Do they really honestly believe that there’s some kind of movement to give foreign citizens the right to vote?


I’m surprised it doesn’t have a demand that the President immediately either release his “long form” birth certificate or step down.

I really think that the election of a black man with a foreign sounding name has unhinged a large portion of our population.

“OMG! His middle name is Hussein! One World Government is just around the corner!”

To borrow from Chris Rock: that’s when I started listening, because I knew niggers and Jews were next.

And it keeps getting better:


To summarize, after Maine’s Repub convention, they had county caucuses. The one in Knox county was held in an 8th grade classroom.

They stole the teaches History of the Labor Movement collage and left a bumper sticker in it’s place that said, “Working people vote Republican.”

They opened closed boxes in the classroom, one of which contained copies of the Constitution donated by the ACLU. Of course, being involved in any way with the ACLU is as close as you can get to breaking all 10 of the commandments, so they felt obligated to leave note stating, “A Republican was here,” it read. “What gives you the right to propagandize impressionable kids?”
I do admire their chutzpa, though.

And if that’s not brainwashing, I don’t know what is. :stuck_out_tongue:

Schooled by an eighth-grader. Sad.

Hmm. You know, I can really give a lot of credit to my high school history teacher for making me actually think. I’m pleased that some of the kids have responded to this; apparently, their own history teacher has “propagandized” them well.

I would correct you and “pwned by an eighth-grader” but I don’t want to be accused of trying to usurp the use of English as primary language by introducing a foreign word.

That’s what I originally wrote, believe it or not, but the context seemed to demand “schooled”.

What a bunch of petty petulant assclowns.

They didn’t care about what the kids were being taught. If they did they would have thought about the example they were setting for those kids with their acts of theft and vandalism. All they cared about was having their own way and not having to be exposed to other viewpoints.

Asswipes. :mad:

A Bahai friend of mine posted this quote and it reminded me of this thread and the Maine republicans.