Has this been done yet? Maine GOP adopts Tea Party platform.

Yeah, the TP is a collection of groups, not just one group. Some TPers put together a “Contract from America” which was a pretty high level document of which issues were most important, based on the members’ votes.

It almost looks to me like the Maniacs want to pay lip service to the TPers by referencing them in that document. But, like I said, it’s unclear just from reading it that it could be described as a “Tea Party Platform”.

Ah, so that’s the problem! My family has been vacationing in the Portland area for years; prior to that, we visited Ogunquit and Rockland quite a bit. I’ve been shocked at the rather rednecky politics coming out of Maine lately, as I had not been aware of the presence of rednecks in that state. I guess I just haven’t traveled far enough to find them. :smiley:

I submit that the tattoo/teeth ratio is a much better indicator. Highest number of tattoos per tooth, wins redneck capitol for one year.

New Englander checking in. I thought we called them “Swamp Yankees”, not “Rednecks”. Maybe that’s way down south in MA and RI, though…

Letters? You’d be lucky to get a crayon scrawl of a dead skunk

I’ve always thought we New Englanders had a special place in our hearts for the old-time Maniacs. It’s like being at home, but being in a very different place all at the same time.


all the girls will think you’re foxy if you chug a lug your Moxie and never show the pain.

Did they say anything about the War of 1812?

Couple things…

  1. I asked up-thread how this is a “Tea Party” platform. No one has answered this yet.

  2. I don’t believe that anyone has said that Tea Partiers as a whole are “fringe lunatics”. I could be wrong, so please correct me there if I am. If not, what was your point (assuming, of course, this is even a Tea Party platform to begin with)?

Oh, well, I’ll say THAT. As a whole the Tea Partiers are finge lunatics, though there may be some individuals who aren’t.

read the Contract from America and decide for yourself. I would so, no not really, but there are similarities. I don’t consider the Tea Party groups to be fringe lunatics although some are. They are IMO a conglomerate of people who object to what’s going on in Washington. A big part is the bailout and what they consider a move toward socialism. I think they have some valid concerns but those concerns are distorted by pundits and media fanning the flames with exaggeration and bogus information.

Maybe it feels good to wave the flag and think they are defending the founding principles of America but I think for the most part, they don’t have a real grasp of what the problems and solutions are. Hell, it’s so complex probably most of us don’t. We won’t really address them until we can return to honest fact based debate. The founding principles IMO are open debate and a working compromise with the welfare of the nation as a whole at the fore.

Do the bolded verbs not refer back to the original ‘we’? And further, did the Maine GOP just declare Jihad on the US via garbled grammar?

No, they intend to take part in the war that radical Islam has declared (through Jihad) and fight radical Islam’s intention to win. Awkwardly worded and part of a cuckoo-for-Cocoa-Puffs platform, but I don’t think they’re saying what you think it looks like they’re saying there.

Chris Matthews just stated unequivocally that the Maine insurgency is clearly a Tea Party movement. Since you have not offered any definitive evidence that you strongly resemble a 200 pound Tweety Bird, we may safely consider the matter closed.

@ Incensed

But it does seem like they’re saying political correctness is keeping us from starting more shit with more people they think are radical Islamics.*

  • 23 Feb 1998 is that date of the World Islamic Front’s Statement of Jihad Against Jews and Crusaders, which includes members from Egypt, Pakistan and Bangladesh

This old thing?

Is www.fas.org not public enough?

Did the Mainer’s offer to pay for the Iraq ‘mistake’ rather than fobbing the cost off on the kiddies?
I thought not.

Damnit (5 minutes goes fast!):

“which includes Usamah Bin-Muhammad Bin-Ladin and”

Yes and no. I heard his analysis, and it wasn’t very good. Instead, I did a little googling, and found the Boston Globe’s take: The Maine GOP party scrapped their platform and adopted one written by a few people identified as “Tea Party activists”. So, I guess it’s fair to call it a “Tea Party Platform”, although we really don’t know how these few Maniac Tea Partiers are representative of the movement, as a whole. I think the Globe has it right by calling it a “Tea Party Inspired Platform”. Close enough for government work, I guess.

Okay, time out. Who is Chris Matthews? Was he the guy who played the creepy guy running the pet store in Because of Winn-Dixie?

And on what basis does he have standing to make statements about the Maine Republican Party?

Oh, I’ve got a pretty good idea what they intended to say, but that doesn’t mesh with what they actually said. No matter who you think they’re declaring war against, I think we can both agree they’re embroiled in a protracted conflict with the English language.