Have any Dopers appeared in your dreams?

I rarely remember my dreams except for, once in a while, a sex dream. And a Doper did appear in one of my sex dreams once. But I’m not syin’ which Doper.

Jess (who doesn’t want the rest of you to get jealous)

There was a pit thread at one time about the topic of AIDS being brought up in any thread that mentioned dating among homosexuals. I remember feeling upset by some of the things I read, so that’s probably how the topic worked its way into my dreams. Scottevil was going into threads that mentioned heterosexual sex and mentioning the threat of AIDS, until he was reprimanded. I understand why he was reprimanded, but I still got a kick out of it at the time.

The dream wasn’t that long, but Scott was showing up on my local news and the national news at times yelling things like “But have you thought of AIDS??!!” I think there was even some type of chorus to the effect of “We don’t care, we don’t care, straights should all be AIDS aware!”

I once had a dream in which I was playing chess with Czarcasm, I got really pissed when he won, and we started to fight.
thats all i remember of that, weird huh?

I had one once and it was a nightmare.