Have anynew craters formed on the moon after telescopes were invented

The moon is full of craters. Some of them are quite large. Any new craters formed after telescopes were invented and craters mapped?

Yes. See for example http://sservi.nasa.gov/articles/new-impact-crater-on-the-moon/, which begins

There’d be a greater chance of a new crater forming on the far side, but it’s only been observed since 1959.

How’s that?

There’s not a big planet in the way to act like an umbrella.

One side of the moon is always facing the earth (tidal locking), so some of the potential impact objects will be stopped/deflected by the earth before they can hit the moon. On the far side of the moon, there would be no stopping/delfection of any impact objects.

True but immaterial. We’ve done this before.

The obstructive effect of Earth as between the near & far sides of the Moon is a tiny, tiny fraction of 1%. Roughly 1 part in 6000. Or 0.017%

IOW, the protective effect of the Earth on the near side of the moon is negligible.

Might there be some “focusing” effect? An object that might otherwise miss the moon by a small distance could be slightly deflected by earth’s gravity - enough to collide?

For every object that would have hit the moon but is deflected away by earth’s gravity, there would be an equivalent number of objects that would have missed the moon, but the earth’s gravity deflected the object into the moon. The exception are those objects that hit the earth, but the earth occupies such a small percentage of the moon’s sky. (less then 1/10 %)

Come on, no Far Side jokes? The question seems to have been answered.

It’s too dark on the far side to read.

Actually, it’s the near side that’s dark. The far side is considerably brighter.

At least, right this moment.

Not just on the Moon, but Mars, too.

Stuff happens.

The far side of the Moon probably gets a bit more direct sunlight than the near side. Lunar eclipses have no effect on the far side. Of course, the near side gets sunlight reflected off the Earth, but I don’t know how bright that is.

Pretelescopic, but interesting nonetheless:

Many more …

In 2009, NASA’s Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) arrived at the Moon and began taking high-resolution photographs. By comparing pictures taken early in the mission with more recent images, the LRO camera team at Arizona State University has discovered more than two-dozen new impact craters — including an 18-meter-wide crater caused by a bright flash on March 17th, 2013.

Wow, that must have been a REALLY bright flash.