Have you been muterated yet-?

The Muderator Speaks

Back off on the personal remarks and stick to the thread’s intent.

nor this.,.,.,.,., are particularly supportive of actual discussion and none of them address the actual question of the OP.

Right, that one will earn a warning. Don’t insult other posters.

I’m also closing this train wreck. Everyone head to their corners and come back out swinging next time.

[ /Muderating ]

Have you been muterated yet-?

WooHoo, that’s the 'shrooms a talkin.

Moderator Warning

tooldtocare, you have an unfortunate habit of starting nonsensical or pointless threads, as well as starting threads in the wrong forum. You’ve been instructed by several moderators to cut it out. I note that nine of the thirteen threads you have started ended up being closed, and others were moved. This is an official warning for ignoring moderator instructions. If you don’t start taking more care with your posts, you will find your posting privileges under discussion.

General Questions Moderator