In my short life I’ve managed to avoid serious injury and serious scare for the most part. So I’m curious, what is it like to be shot? What were the circumstances that led to the shooting?
Been shot at, didn’t care for it.
Oh wait, I had a piece of my ear shot off with a stray shot gun pellet while quail hunting. Didn’t hurt much but I never went with that guy again.
Closest thing to being shot happened when I was about 5. I was standing with a neighbor friend at the end of her driveway. Her older brothers were about 50 yds away playing with BB guns. I felt something sting my forehead and my first thought was that I got stung by a bee. I ran home crying and when my mom looked at it the BB was still stuck in my forehead. She wanted to kill those boys but I think their own mother probably attempted to after she was informed.
Been shot at, myself. Didn’t care for it either.
I’ve been shot once. It was an accident while my cousin and I were rabbit hunting with .22 rifles as teenagers. It was a through and through in my outside of my left shoulder.
It felt like a really hard punch, then it combined with a good burning sensation like a badly torn muscle. This was followed by a very deep ache.
I imagine his ass hurt a lot more than my arm by the time my aunt and uncle had their say. It took an uncomfortable cleaning, a few stitches, a tetanus shot and a few weeks of discomfort for my wound to heal, but it ended up fine.
I have no idea what a more serious gunshot wound feels like, nor do I want to find out.
There’s at least one similar thread - the topic may not have been ‘have you been shot’ exactly - but one poster tells a story about how a multiple murderer came into his house, killed his girlfriend and shot him. The poster returned fire and the shooter wound up in jail. Maybe someone else knows what I’m talking about.
Had a .308 rifle blow up in my face. And I dropped a 60-lb cannon ball on my finger. Do either of those count?