Have you disavowed your regional accent?

Did you grow up in a place where people have unflattering accents, and if so, did you make an effort to change yours?

This question doesn’t apply to me, but I’ve met several people who have worked hard to eliminate their New England accents in order to appear more educated.

Southern accents are a double-edged sword; sometimes they can be interesting or sexy but often they make you appear to be stupid.

I have never consciously tried to lose mine, but I do notice that it’s a little different in different settings. When I’m stopping in a little store way out in the country, I sound as corn-fed-and-country-bred as the rest of ‘em. When I’m giving a techinical presentation at a conference, I try to sound like I’ve got some learnin’. :slight_smile:

I’ve never been ashamed of my Southern accent, but it isn’t very strong except for certain words and when I’m drunk or tired. I’ve been accused of having my mother’s Pittsburgh accent, though, although I don’t hear it myself. I wouldn’t try to get rid of it even if I had a much thicker accent, though. I like it.

I had a very strong NY accident and although I really wanted to keep it, it has mellowed in the 20 years I have lived in FL. However, people get a kick out of the fact that both my children have a slight Brooklyn accent even though they have never lived in NY a day in their lives.

I do find when I go back “home”, my accent becomes more pronounced. I never wanted to get rid of it. It is part of my identity.

No, though I figure it’s only a matter of time before I lose some pronunciations that don’t tend to be very common. I have an unusual accent and I actually rather like it.

Yes - I spent my high school/college years in North Carolina. I’m always very pleased when people say “wow, you don’t sound like you’re from North Carolina!”

I HATE the standard NC accent. Hate it!

Yes. Twice.

Well, not disavowed as much as moved locations as a kid and drastically changed from Scottish, to Northern Irish, to standard Canadian (if there is such a thing).

Of all the southern accents, it’s the southerniest.

I try not to say the things that make people from the prairies sound really stupid and like hicks. I also try to enunciate, since a prairie accent is fairly slurred (in my opinion). So, to answer the OP, yes, a bit.

I’m a code-switcher. I can turn my Alabama accent on and off at will. But no, I’ve never disavowed it.

Sorry to hear about the accident.

I have a light Texas accent, tinged with some Okie - can’t dream of wanting to get rid of it.

I subscribe to this notion. When I worked in radio I adopted the “Midwest” accent that’s preferred there, but as soon as the mike was off I reverted to my AL/TN way of speaking. Same with theater work. Nowadays the accent is less an issue than remembering my lines!

I have observed that most of the people I was in high school with, who have moved away from the south, manage to adopt a regional accent from their new “area” but to drop it as soon as they’re “down home.”

There’s nothing funnier than a Southerner trying to sound Yankee!

Well, my Southern Ontario accent has never been a help with the women. Half my relatives have English accents, but did they last until my generation? Noooo…

Having grown up in Texas, I have one of the several Texas accents. Yes, there are more than one. I have lived out of Texas for about 25 years, but I still have my Texas accent. The edges have been worn off, not on purpose, but by not living and conversing with other Texans every day. When I do go back home, it doesn’t take long for the sharp inundations of my accent to come back.

Not on purpose, but it has diminished, for the most part.

I used to have a pretty distinct hick accent, despite my mom’s attempt at a genteel upbringing for me and my sister. It still slips in sometimes if I’m tired or experiencing strong emotion. It’ll also creep back in if I watch a movie or hear someone speaking with a hick accent.

My son has a bit of an accent. Instead of saying “pan,” he usually says, “pay-an.” My daughter’s still learning to talk, but she usually says “bawl” instead of “ball.” I think that’s mostly her age, though. It kills my husband. He’s from India and somehow has a completely bland Midwestern accent, and has since his second year in the States.

Although I spent my formative years in the Baltimore metropolitan area and despite having several relatives and friends with very recognizable Bawlmer accents, I don’t believe I ever spoke like they do. In fact, I find I’m unable to replicate some of the sounds, especially the Bawlmer “O” - rather odd since I’ve got a good ear and I can usually imitate accents pretty accurately.

It was never conscious on my part. At most, I’m very aware of my grammar and I avoid certain regional language abuses, but that’s not so much accent as usage. Overall, I think my speech is pretty vanilla.

My family is military. I grew up in North Carolina and had a nice coastal accent. My eldest brother once phoned up and I answered the phone - next thing I knew I was living in Frankfurt, Germany. He was worried that a southern accent would impede my way in the world. After a year with him in Germany, I had very little accent left.

Then I moved to California. One of the guys I knew there was also from NC, and had a soft tidewater accent, and man, did the girls love it.

Now I live in Eastern Canada. I still say ‘y’all’, my kids say ‘pAsta’, and my relatives think I have a Canadian accent, proving only that they’ve never heard a Canadian accent.

Short answer : my regional accent was beaten out of me.

Not in the least. Californian is acceptable anywhere.
