Have you ever been sexually assaulted?

And vice-versa.

I don’t like it when people are too uptight in general. I have a new coworker from out of the area that wanted to see something unique to the area this week. I immediately thought of a high-end Rhode Island strip club (some of the best in the country). His dumb ass was 2 hours late and it was a slow time so I just got to talk with lots of strippers. That was like a feminist paradise in a good way. They were all smart, extremely well paid, independent and fun to talk to. We talked about everything from degrees in clinical psychology to travel in the Greek Islands and home ownership. I made it clear that I wasn’t giving them any money until he showed up but we had a great just talking. They are the ones in control in that environment so we just hung out and had fun. BTW, these ladies are all 8’s, 9’s and a couple of 10’s on the looks scale. The one thing they all have in common is their confident ability to deal with and control men.

It can be done. I wish the whole world worked that way.