My first story isn’t cool or anything, it’s just something that happened while under the influence of alcohol.
It was my birthday last February. We were sitting around playing drinking games, waterfalls, all that. All’s going well and everyone’s having a good time. Ah, it was the waterfalls that got me. The last thing I remember, it was still daylight. I woke up at about 5 o’clock the next evening in the hospital. Twelve bottles or Rolling Rock, half a dozen bottles of Boone’s Farm wine, a few fuzzy navels, a screwdriver or four. The list goes on. Apparently, I crashed my own party at about 7:30PM.
This one I’d like to forget.
Tequila. Oh sweet tequila. I would say about a week ago, I was at my mom and dad’s house with my brother and sister. My parents were out of town so we had a little bash. (Little = no more than 6 people.) I know for a fact it was fun. Whatever it was, it was probably the most fun I’ve had in a long time. Ingredients? Rum and cokes and tequila shots.
My sister says that my brother cranked up Christina Aguilera’s “Genie In A Bottle” and we were both singing and dancing along with the music. Me? That’s not so strange. My brother? My brother knew every word and is, apparently, a very good dancer.
For the first time IRL, I voiced my attraction to the female body. (Oops! LoL) According to her, I got my sister to do tequila shots. (“Ewww!! Tequila? I’m not drinking that!” Hehehe.) I don’t remember actually lying down to go to sleep. Ah, family bonding.
That “Genie In A Bottle” part leads me to believe I had a very good time. I don’t think I’m the only one either.
This one, I wish I could remember.
Sometime in 1998. I believe it was late spring, early summer. Ingredients? Beer. Lots and lots of beer and one pint peach schnapps. So I was at my friend’s house. There was three of us; myself, my friend and a mutual friend of ours. We drank the schnapps first, passing the bottle between us and gossiping like 16-17 year old girls do. When the schnapps was gone, we grabbed the beer and transported it out to the hot tub. We sat in the hot tub for an hour or so, drinking beer and relaxing. Do not drink beer in hot tubs! I’m telling you, I didn’t realize how drunk I was until I got out. I don’t think any of us did.
So we get out of the hot tub and go into the house to change into dry clothes. We sat back down on the couch and finished up the beer. It started raining a bit. We, being the giggly, crazy, drunk adolescent girls that we were, decided it would be so fun to go outside in the rain. Then it would be so much fun to run around in the puddles like little kids do. Fine and dandy, we didn’t care. But what sounds even more fun then simply running through the puddles in front of the house? How about pulling your shirts over your heads and running up and down the street? Incidently, we weren’t exactly quiet about it. Laughing loudly, we ran up and down the street a few times. About our fourth time down, on the way back, my friend’s younger brother and a few of his friends decide to show up. Yes, there are pictures. I’m not sure where they are though.
This one is forever stuck in my brain. Why? Because other people remember it too.