42, almost 43 years, and approximately 2000 cans of tuna, and I have never, ever, gotten any bones in canned tuna.
Until 1:30p.m.CST today. I opened a can of Chicken of the Sea, and it had a whole bunch of fish bones in it. Blech. I’m gonna send an e-mail and complain.
But the real question is, was I lucky all those years in not getting any bones? have any of you ever gotten any? I’m talking about large bone pieces.
I have a couple times. Don’t know what brand, though (it’s the one with the dolphin on it . . . which I think is supposed to mean that it’s “dolphin-safe”). Very rare, though.
But I don’t know if what crunched between my teeth would be considered “large bone piece” by you or not. I never had a big old bone splinter sticking out of my sandwhich or anything.
Tuna SALAD is the only form of fish I will eat. It has to have a lot of mayo and tons of pickles too. But once about 6 years ago, I got a bone in my tuna. It was a smallish, ring shaped bone and it totally grossed me out for a long time. I have had tuna since, but only the stuff from Subway.
Never with tuna, but ALWAYS with red or pink salmon. With tuna, you generally just get the ‘flakes’ of meat, whereas with salmon, you actually get a ‘cutlet’ or a whole piece of flesh, bones and all. They’re easily crunched though, and a marvellous source of calcium…
No bones, but I HAVE found something a lot worse that bones: a live roach!
No joke! I opened the can, and a large, live roach came out. I have no idea how long he survived in there (how long does it take for tuna to get from a cannery to a supermarket in New York? Days? Weeks?), but he made it!
Mind you, despite my admiration for his toughness, I STILL killed him instantly.