Have you ever had a female wet dream?

Whenever i have a sex dream, it ALWAYS stops before intercourse. ALWAYS. It’s like my brain thinks it’s more fun to dream about a sex comedy, full of wacky misadventures, so we’re always trying to have sex, but something always stops us. The one time in my life I actually dreamt about intercourse, it was a wet dream.

Wish it would happen again!

Whoah, back up a second there. You’ve never heard of the language of love? I managed to do alright in Brazil, and I didn’t speak a work of Portugese when I landed there. Amazing what a few drinks and some club music will do for ya.

¿Cómo está usted? ;);):wink:

My sexual dreams are similar, in that the sex never actually happens. I actually think it is because my most vivid dreams (of all types) happen toward the end of the night, when my bladder is full, and my brain/body won’t allow itself to relax. Sometimes in the dream, I actually excuse myself from my would-be lover to find a bathroom!

I have had exactly one orgasmic dream in my entire life, during an short afternoon nap, when that factor wasn’t in play.

I have had sex dreams that caused me to orgasm, though that isn’t a regular thing at all. My sex dreams are very similar to pepperlandgirl’s where you keep trying to have sex and trying to have sex and for one reason or another it just doesn’t happen. Warning: TMI alert but it was really funny so I feel the need to share.

I had a dream the other night that I was trying to have a threesome with these two women and my boyfriend was going to take pictures but they kept leaving the room to do stupid things, like dye their hair or take out the trash, and when it was finally going to happen a police officer burst in and stopped us because it turns out the two girls were only 16. I woke up and laughed for about 10 minutes because I just knew that my boyfriend was probably having the exact same dream at his place.

I have the exact same recurring frustrating dream, except it involves:

Golf! I keep trying and trying to tee off, but something is always either impeding my back swing or in my direct path!

Yes, I’m pathetic.

Oh, yeah, definitely. I’d say it happens once or twice per year. It’s fun.

I’m so jealous. I haven’t had a wet dream for years, and if I do have an erotic dream it never gets past kissing. ::sigh::

Sounds like my college experience…

It’s happened to me a few times in the last year, usually during a low point in marriage bed relations.

Between this and my husband’s sleep sex, we make for a weird pair. :smiley:

“Why does Queen Bruin have a pantry full of chamomile tea?”
“Oh, she and King Bruin LOVE to sleep!”


What part of “universal language” don’t you understand?


Would that involve pointing to him, then myself, then at both of our crotches at the same time?

About once a year. Or maybe it’s more, about once a year I wake up towards the end and know about it.

Occasionally, yes. I would be <ahem> delighted if it happened more, though. Most of the time, I can’t remember the details of the dream either which kinda sucks.

Me to; in great detail and with pictures, if possible. Hand drawn sketches would be okay. I’m old, humor me.

Yes, I have, but it’s very rare. Mostly it doesn’t go as far as actual intercourse, just making out, and I usually wake up right before that (so frustrating!). On the rare occasions in which dream-penis ensues, I have orgasms. No, er, female ejaculate, just the usual moisture. But when it happens, it’s great!

Uhm … most of my wet dreams involve females.

What!? Well, you asked!

I’m a guy, intruding on the thread, but I have to say I find this thread fascinating. (No, not in that way! I’m not a pervert! At least not in this case.)

I find it fascinating because I’ve never had a wet dream in my life. I’ve had arousing dreams, but like some of the people have said if the dream goes anywhere towards sex I either wake up or something happens in the dream to draw me away. In fact, I’m pretty sure nudity is banned from my dreams too. I distinctly remember at least one dream from when I was younger where I had acquired a Playboy but every time I tried to look in it something came up. And when I finally looked in it it was all articles. :confused:

I’ve always just attributed it to the fact that I’m a light sleeper. It’s interesting to see I’m not the only one.

I just spat water across my desk!