Have you played Scribblenauts?

Scribblenauts is a game in which characters can type anything into the game and that person/place/thing/idea appears for them to use to accomplish the given task. I was wondering if you’ve played it, and if so:

  1. what are some items you typed in and were shocked to find were programmed into the game?

  2. What are some items that you found were NOT programmed into the game?

  3. I have specific items that I’d like to see screen shots of being used in the game, among them God, Neve Campbell,

Oops, I posted that without finishing my list:

After “God, Neve Campbell,” add “the Illuminati.”

I played once when it was new on nintendo ds. I lost interest pretty quickly.
I remember early on in the game, you encounter a shark. I typed in “megaladon” and sure enough, i giant shark came and ate the shark.
I was amused

I’ve played, but it has been a really long time. I did find that adding wings to my character helped solve quite a few problems.

It’s been a long time since I last played, but I remember being amused that a very cute Cthulhu is in there.

I haven’t really played it myself but I have a couple kids who both have. I think the older one actually played the levels, the younger one just sandboxes it and does whatever he wants. Which recently involved dropping meteors on a bunch of townspeople over and over again. There was a blurb from Penny Arcade’s blog back in the day which I liked and stuck with me about educational opportunities in video games and Scribblenauts in particular:


Scribblenauts isn’t considered an educational game, but it certainly should be; it should be in every house. A copy should be provided to every citizen as soon as they know their letters. I started letting my son play it, even though it seemed like he wouldn’t be able to put much together, and all the sudden he knew how to fucking read. The loop is damn near sorcerous in its power. Let’s say they sound out a word, and try to spell it in there. Maybe the item they wanted comes up! Now they feel like a Goddamned warlock. But, let’s say it doesn’t. Near matches come up. Let’s say they choose the word they meant to write in the beginning. Now they feel like a Goddamned warlock. What if they choose another word? Now they’ve learned a new word, maybe two words, made a new thing, and they feel like a Goddamned warlock.