Hbk4894 - What's up with his posting history?

Tell me about the place you live.

Where were you born?

Tell me about your last name.

What’s your birthday?

Who’s your favorite teacher?
These seem suspiciously like some sort of manual phishing. Add in the fact that he’s very rarely replied to anything.

My sincere apologies if he’s just harmlessly curious, but that’s a hard position to defend.

May I respectfully suggest the mods consider cornfielding his threads in case these responses are collected and used against the members who posted?

I see what you mean. Replying to those questions truthfully would enable a phisher to zero right in on you.

I’ve ignored all his/her threads because it seems like they’re all generic attempts to get information from strangers.

Good thing I never told him the first concert I went to was The Bay City Rollers.

Or that my first pet’s name was Oberon.

Good thing I didn’t give him my SSN of 078-05-1120.

quietly shelves plans for “What was your mother’s maiden name?” thread

The statistics look pretty bad, too:

71 total posts
68 Threads started.

Which eerily is also my phone number.

Soul socks!

Drunky lives in Andorra!

How about those local sports teams! And also your favourite colour?

Good catch, Whiskey Dickens.

I began to get a little suspicious with the “What Is Your PIN?” thread.

My mother, whose maiden name is Cowznofski, taught me never to reply to questions like that.

I ignore such threads even when from established users. It’s one of those cases where one bit at a time, you reveal far too accurate a portrait of the RW/private you.

Note that he did get moderator attention for opening so many threads.

I figured he/she was gathering data to write a novel.

Helen Profiterole Cowznofski? Hey, cuz!

I ignore them just becuse I have better things to do. They are threads in which everbody posts but nobody reads. They’re vanity threads for the OP.

And yet he’s still at it.