HDTV technical question: why is my audio out of sync?

So I have an HD-ready TV, and recently bought the Samsung HDTV receiver to see what I could get over-the-air. I hooked up the antenna and it worked! Cool, I can get all of the local (San Francisco area) HD stations.

But there’s one weird problem with one station, channel 11 (the HD of which is actually broadcast on some UHF channel, of course), which is probably closer to me than any of the others (it and I am actually in San Jose). When they’re broadcasting true HD, the audio is out of sync with the video; the sound is about a half a second or so behind. When they’re sending “regular” TV (i.e. the news, the game and infotainment shows that are on before 8pm, stuff that shows up in 4x3 rather than true widescreen), everything is fine, the sound is in sync. But the second they switch to true HD widescreen, the sound lags behind. Last night, the 4x3 commercials that were on just before 8 were synced, then “Ed” started a few seconds later and he looks like a badly dubbed movie.

So what’s causing this? Is the fault at the broadcaster or at my end? Am I somehow picking up the audio via some reflection? And even so, since it’s all being transmitted as radio waves, how could any reflection cause that much of a shift? Is it something else, something that’s related to the fact that the transmitter is fairly close? And if it is something at my end, what can I do about it? I’ve tried moving the antenna to different locations, and nothing seems to fix the problem.

No clue, sorry, but I’ll bump this from page 2 for ya, let the Friday Morning Group take a shot at it. :slight_smile: