Head butts in cinema (or on tv)

In John Waters’s A Dirty Shame, a head butt becomes a new erotic technique…

Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels - (1998)

Does it have to be a human victim? Because Burt Reynolds head butts a jukebox in Hooper.

In the TV series Angel there are a number of head butts. (I’m watching the series for the first time on DVD)

On the extras of the Lord of The Rings DVD for The Return of the King, IIRC (could be Two Towers) there’s a whole bit about Viggo Mortensen’s camaraderie with the stunt actors, that involved quite a bit of head-butting as ritual greeting.

Just on the BBC last night, Ace Ventura, head butt from a man performed on a woman too.

Nice head butt in the second Mad Max film, in fact quite a few.

There was a forehead to the nose headbutt in the utter piece of shit I watched last night called Rancid Aluminum.

IIRC, the headbutt was a common tactic by one of the ex-soldiers in Dead Presidents. A tactic that he learned in battle (Vietnam?) was how to headbutt somebody so that their nose was broken and blood sprayed out of their face. This happened a lot.

Replying to my own post to correct myself: the incident in that episode was not technically a headbutt. I swap that one out for an actual one during a fight in Farscape episode 1.11, “Till the Blood Runs Clear.” I think there are quite a few during the series, just not in the one instance I noted, which was different head trauma.

My Left Foot, IIRC.


The second episode of the third season of Weeds features Andy being head butted by a very large eskimo bounty hunter.

He falls down, has a bloody nose, etc…

Just this week, I saw the Black Canary deliver a wicked head butt to Vixen in the Grudge Match episode of Justice League Unlimited.

Here’s the report folks:http://www.straightdope.com/mailbag/mheadbutting.html We’re still editing it, of course (see http://boards.straightdope.com/sdmb/showthread.php?p=8826064&postcount=6 ), and I’ve suggested adding some more stuff from this thread.

Thanks for your help!

And does it have to be a human aggressor? I swear I saw Sandra Bullock get kitty cat headbutts in some movie or another.

Naruto executes a head butt to his opponent’s head in a fight somewhere between Episodes 60-80 of the anime.

Nice staff report, btw.

Jason Bourne gets head-butted by a fellow assassin whom he had handcuffed with a plastic tie in The Bourne Supremacy.

In Blackadder II and Blackadder Goes Forth , Rik Mayall as Lord Flashheart delivers a “Glasgow Kiss”–and both times to a character played by Tim McInerney (Lord Percy and Captain Darling)!

“The Mummy” and “The Mummy Returns.”

In the promos for this week’s episode of Mythbusters, Adam head-butts a car window and shatters it.

File Adam’s window-breaking under stunts and special effects tricks…

When I watched the show last night, it became evident that he was using a clever bit of misdirection - as his head approached the glass, he pressed a spring-loaded punch against the window to break it. You see his head approacing the window, but don’t notice his nearly stationary hand at the bottom of the frame.