Head butts in cinema (or on tv)

Never Say Never Again

Does the whole Zinedine Zidane thing count?

I think so, the scene where Begbie tosses the pint glass off the balcony to start a fight?

It’s not what I had in mind in the OP, but I’ll take whatever people want to add, really. Real life examples like this fit into another part of the report. As long as I can tell them apart, go for it.

I’m realise I might be being whooshed by a bit of pop culture I’m unaware of here, but a well executed headbutt doesn’t hurt the butt-er, but the butt-ee is out of the fight immediately. Not that I’ve ever given or received one, but I’ve seen a fair few!

The Billy Crystal/Robin Williams buddy picture Father’s Day portrays Crystal as a tough customer who routinely knocks people out with a vicious headbutt.

Yes, that Billy Crystal. And that bit of casting is the least of the things that are wrong with this movie.

There was a friendly head-but in DS9’s “The Way of the Warrior”

In the classic Halloween episode of The Adventures of Pete and Pete, Little Pete delivers a great headbutt to Endless Mike.

A “real” effective headbutt involves the butt-er striking his forehead against the butt-ee’s nose. No hurt for butt-er, lotsa pain for butt-ee.

A film headbutt usually involves the butt-er striking his forehead against the butt-ee’s forehead. On film, this results in no hurt for butt-er, lotsa pain for butt-ee. In real life, it would hurt both persons equally.

Apparently in the film world, the idea for the headbutt travels to the butt-er’s forehead and forms a protective barrier shielding him from harm.

Haha, yes right, I get what you mean now! It would result in this :smack: for both parties.

Rocky (the movie) came out in 1976. Didn’t Sly get headbutted in the first fight shown, when he was still a bum? I seem to remember it opened a nasty cut, but Rocky won anyway.

If hitting someone in the face with the back of your head counts, GI Jane has one.

There’s a harsh face-to-face one in the Farscape episode “Die Me, Dichotomy,” the last episode of the second season.


If you’re taking animation, Mulan has Shan Yu headbutting Captain Shang during the final battle. In the Alternate Verison section it’s mentioned that, to keep a U rating in the UK, the action was excised from the theatrical release, then accidently included in the DVD.

Not to hijack the thread, but I’ve seen this mentioned from time to time – UK ratings go up a bump for a headbutt. Is it feared kids might imitate it in play?

In the cartoon/toy line He-Man, there was a character named Ram-Man, who had the ability to launch his barrel-like body head first into his enemies, head-butting them into submission. Here’s a webpage detailing everything Ram-Man ever headbutted in the cartoon.

Looking at the stills on that site, I’m struck by his uncanny resemblence to Edward G. Robinson.

Stephen Rea gets a pretty good one from a skinhead in **Still Crazy ** (1998).

There a comment about Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones, on the bbfc website: http://www.bbfc.co.uk/faq/index.php.

A head butt was removed as “There were concerns that young children might attempt to imitate the move with undesirable results.”

This was to keep a PG rating, rather than U, as was the case with Mulan.

I never saw Father’s Day, but the head-butting makes sense given that it’s a remake of Les Compères (1983), in which the same character was played by Gérard Depardieu. Now there is a master of the head-butt; not only in several of his movies, but also in real life (when an Italian paparazzo took one picture too many).

In Les Compères, Depardieu’s counterpart (the hapless Pierre Richard) also attempts a head-butt, with comic results.

I need to urge all posters reading this thread to click on Antonius’s “in real life” link in the above post. It’s got the greatest headshot I’ve ever seen.

Meatloaf and Allan Graf butt heads in a bar fight in Roadie, 1980. Tiny Thompson (Allan Graf) gets knocked out cold, and Travis W. Redfish (Meatloaf) gets a nice concussion and starts talking gibberish.