Head-shaving and shininess...

Why is it that most, if not all people who shave their heads have shiny baldness? I shave my face, which is part of my head, and it’s not shiny.

According to this site, the shininess depends on the closeness of the shave and the amount of oil in the scalp skin.

Based on that, my guess would just be that facial skin is (usually) less oily than the scalp.

I shave my head once a year, it the summer. It’s not shiny at all, and I shave it very close. Some guys put baby oil or other moisturizers on their shaved head to create or enhance the shine. Oils/moisturizers also help protect against the skin getting dried out. The skin on a completely bald head gets extra exposure to the sun and this can cause dry skin to flake, even leave a white, powdery look on the scalp. Baby oil or even oil of Olay can solve this, while creating the desired shiny look.

I shave my head every 2-3 days, and I’ve never had a shiny pate. A pity, 'cause I’ve always kinda wanted that look.

It’s got to have something to do with the amount of skin oil in the scalp- I have hardly any. I’m water-soluble, I swear.

Sometimes, ya gotta just face the fact that you’re just plain d u l l .


I, on the other hand, am one of the shiny, shining ones! ! " ’ :smiley: ’ " !

I hope you’re wearing your shades! :cool:

Shiny, happy people.

It’s all in the amount of oil your skin puts out. I shave my head every morning. The glare is blinding! :smiley:

But if I rub my hand over my pate during the day, it comes back oily.

If you want the shine, you have to:

  1. Shave it every day
  2. Polish regularly with a lint-free brush to a high gloss.

I know there is (or was) a product out there called “Bald and Bold Scalp Buff” that is basically polishing wax for your bald dome. You slop it on your scalp and polish it like you were polishing your inspection-ready Army dress boots. However, you do need a VERY close shave in order for it to work it’s magic.
