Healthiest food

I would have said potatoes, because they have vitamin C and B6 as well as potassium. OTOH they are also one of the deadliest, at least for some. Because, [spoiler]how many potatoes does it take to kill an Irishman?

None.[/spoiler]You have been warned.


Yeah, but if you wanted to list <10 foods for a pretty healthy diet, the 8 they list sound pretty good to me. It might be an interesting exercise to try to come up with the smallest list of foods that will give a healthy diet. Obviously, no 1 food is sufficient. But if you could only eat 5 foods? 10 foods? …

For us, it is pretty much just eat a variety of fruits, vegetables, beans and legumes, whole grains, and seeds and nuts. Always good to add different colors - ooh, purple potatoes!

Beer can spoil however. I suggest at the least mixing it with equal parts rye over 101proof just to be sure. Or skip the beer and just go pure rye. Wigle Deep Cut.

calcium, vitamin C, vitamin D, potassium, iron, protein, fiber, thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, folic acid. . .

Cabbage is especially healthy because high levels of consumption can effectively reduce the risk of a wide range of diseases, from influenza to measles.

The smell keeps everyone else away, so you don’t catch things off 'em.

Any food will kill you if that’s all you eat.