Healthy Smoking?

Preface: I am not a smoker (of anything…except bbq-worthy meats…and that’s on the grill, anyhow)

Many cultures have developed (independently?) rituals or habits that involve buring some sort of plant and inhaling the resulting smoke. We now know that doing so with tobacco is bad for you, marajuana is questionable at best, and more modern alternatives, such as Crack, are very bad for you. Is there anything out there that is pleasant (or at least not unpleasant) to smoke, and NOT addictive, harmful, or deadly? or is the act of breathing hot particles into your lungs always a less-than-stellar idea?

Well, unless it is in some way addictive, why would people do it? I mean, smoking without the nicotine, weed without the THC, and Crack without the… whatever it is probably aren’t very pleasant…