hearing aids and the VA

In 1986, I ended my 4 year USAF career. As part of that career, I spent a great deal of time in close proximity to M60 machine guns while they performed their function. Previous to that, my hearing had issues, but afterwards, it was even worse.

I am looking at acquiring hearing aids at this point. I am told that the VA may be of some assist in this and that is before I question whether my hearing loss may be attributable to the USAF.

Does anyone have any experience with eligibility requirements of the VA? Am I wasting my time in even contacting them?

You have to start a claim. If you do not have documentation of injury from while you were in it is more difficult but not impossible. I would suggest you contact one of the veteran service organizations for help. Each one has representatives who help veterans process claims. Try the DAV, VFW or American Legion. They will help you free of charge.

For instance:

My father served in the Army at the end of WWII. He didn’t suffer any war-related injuries besides an appendicitis, and started losing his hearing in his late 60’s.

He had been buying his hearing aids at Costco, but about 6 months ago he started going to the VA hospital for his general health care. They noticed his hearing problem and offered him a brand new, $6,000 high tech set for free. He ended up selling his Costco hearing aids and has been using the new ones from the VA ever since.

Perhaps they treat WWII veterans differently, but I believe if you go to the VA for a check-up, and they determine you have significant hearing loss, they will provide you with hearing aids for free.

Loach and dolphinboy are right. I hope it’s not too late, as you should have filed a claim before leaving the service, even though you might not have shown any hearing loss at the time. You have no time to waste, so get started.