Having been someone with high cholesterol for quite some time, and someone who goes in and out of being active. I was wondering: if I wanted to go get some testing on my heart i.e. stress test. What should I ask for? Will the stress test, test for everything.
I want to know overall functioning. How’s it do’in… I never have pain in the heart, I’m 33 years old. However I was an adult taking an amphetamine for a medical condition, ten years on it. It’s been a while since I’ve taken it, I want to know the logistics of whats up with my ticker.
The usual procedure is to discuss your concerns with your doctor and ask him which tests will help answer your concerns. IANAD, but AFAIK the stress test looks to see how your blood pressure and heart functions react to sustained exercise. I would think that whoever is prescribing the amphetamine would also know what side effects to look for and how to look for them.
Thats the thing, I discussed that with the doc and was titrated off them a year ago. I just want a peice of mind to check out whats up. Nothing is hurting I just want to catch something early if there is anything. I don’t think there is. I’m not going because I have a problem, but because I want to remain as healthy as I am. My doc has kept me well informed with yearly blood tests…
Again IANAD, and am basing my answers on general knowledge and having had 3 cardiac patients in the family. Have you ever had an EKG? If he’s already checking your blood pressure and chemistry, and you’d feel better having a stress test, just ask him/her for that. I think people sometimes get them prior to starting a vigorous exercise program to be sure that it will be safe, but that’s usually old folks, not youngsters like yourself. IMH(non-expert)O, if that shows any problems they will certainly refer you for anything else that would give more appropriate info.
I’m officially out of the internal medicine business (I started in on skin 2 weeks ago), but here’s my $0.02.
Your Doc will say, 33 is young but not impossible for heart disease. What predisposing factors do you have? The most important are hypertension, diabetes, smoking, wacky lipid profiles, family history of early onset heart disease (males with heart attacts in their 40’s and 50’s or females in their 50’s).
Next, the Doc may ask about symptoms. Do you ever get chest pain (dull) on exercise. Do you get excessively short of breath with minor physical activity (like climbing a single flight of stairs, or walking a flat 1/4 mile)? Other questions will follow.
Next will come the exam including an EKG.
My guess is that in the absence of any strong predisposition, obvious symptom, or objective exam finding pointing to heart disease, few Docs would recommend stress testing.
Now run along and get a rash and I’ll be better able to help.