HEAVY Metal Bands

I just realized this was in Great Debates. Shouldn’t it be in IMHO?

That’s why I love em so much. :smiley:

Hey, I am an expert on metal music, thank you!

I’ve been writing about it - been published in three continents - for a dozen years. And what you said works both ways. Sure, there are some talented fuckers out there making loud music. And there are total airheads as well.

Oh, and Slayer doesn’t need fucking GAMES to entertain you. They can blow your mind without cheap fireworks display.

Yer pal,

[Moderator Hat: ON]

I let this one hang around a little while to see where it was going. Since it didn’t go the GD route, I’m flipping it over into IMHO.

David B, SDMB Great Debates Moderator

[Moderator Hat: OFF]

The appeal… hmmm

background: I was one of the founding members of a band called Necrosis which shortly before I left renamed itself Cryptopsy. We’ve played with Cannibal Corpse and had a few songs that made Deicide sound like Micheal Jackson.

Oh, and back when I knew the guys from Cannibal Corpse they weren’t trying to be satirical, just gross and extreme - which they were (assume still are) very good at.

Another band which you may (or may not) wish to introduce your budding young music fan too is Suffocation. These guys rip. They’re loud, tight and catchy as hell.

As for Sepultra’s album Roots, it’s got it’s moments. The defining ablum for this band is, IMHO Beneath the Remains. Aggressive, technical and beautifully mastered, it is a must have for thrash metal freaks.

I got into the thrash/death/speed metal by branching out from the punk scene. It had the rebellious and aggressive factors, which I was extremely into and added an appreciation for technical ability. Many of these speed songs, if you can hear past the gutteral growl of the vocals, are true masterpieces of song-writing - comparable more to classical music than to modern, contemporary rock and roll.

And yes, it has a calming effect on me, too. That is a weird one.

Dark Lord Davidson wrote:

I won’t take this personally. :slight_smile: Mainly because I know what you are talking about. The thing is, the good bands of this genre, of which there are many, write excellent music. If you are not familliar with it, it is just noise.

The first time I heard Deicide, I hasd to listen to the ablum a dozen times before I understood it. But, if your ear is trained, you can hear the subtlties, you can catch the impossible feats speed drummers regularly perform. I’m not even talking about the incredible endurance these guys have, I’m refering to lightning fast rolls, incomprehensible tempo games, psycho double bass drumming and razor sharp tightness.

Anyway, the appeal is that a lot of these guys are virtuoso level. My old guitarist could pick rythms that defied belief. Though I like lots of different music, most of my respect is delivered unto the speed freaks.

Do we need to start an ask the Heavy Metal dude? Though I’m no REAL expert I’ve been listening to metal now for 12 years or so.

The reason I like metal is because I love the way it sounds. Most of the bands I listen to really know how to play/write music. I also like the majority of the lyrics which range from Greek Myths to murders to “road” songs and any other subject one can think of.

As for the OPs brother, didn’t YOU ever do anything to fit in? And how do you know he doesn’t really like the music? I had someone say that to me once, that I really didn’t like metal music, I only did it to be different. :rolleyes:

You should suggest to your brother to pick up some early Motorhead, something like Overkill or Ace of Spades. He might also like Judas Priest’s PainKiller if he likes it hard and fast.

Now as for the best live act, its always has been and always will be Motorhead.

I agree. If you don’t think Rammstein has the biggest sense of humor…you’re wrong. Their most recent video features them as the seven dwarves with a dominatrix snow white for god’s sake! It’s all a joke. People who think they’re singing about Facism and Murder are missing the point. All they care about is getting laid. (new album, April 3rd!)

And…they’re very nice people :smiley:

And…they’re very sexy people :smiley:

I think that a lot of metal bands have a much better sense of self and sense of humor than others and that’s usually what makes them successful. I saw some flash in the pan speed metal thrash band on MTV last night say that they don’t like mosh pits at their concerts because it “DISTURBS THEIR ART” :rolleyes: Good lord, people…it’s a rock concert.


Easy there Satan, I thought this was just a lighthearted thread :slight_smile: I’m just funnin’ with ya, pal. And by the way, when Rammstein first performed in Chicago within city limits their ‘games’ were not allowed, and they still kicked ass. Because their music is good.

And like I said, i’ve never seen Slayer, so I can’t speak to their live show. And like I said, it was my humble opinion.


So, lemme get this straight, Dark Lord: You’re complaining about your brother listening to Slayer, but you like Rammstein? And you’re saying his taste in music is bad? Ooookay…

That’s said, I’m listening to CoC right now, which not exactly the most “layered” of metal groups. :slight_smile:

Necros, no offense, but let me get THIS straight, we’ve spent this whole thread telling Dark Lord that people just like music because they just DO dammmit and that’s the joy of being a music fan and we should give every genre a chance, and then YOU’RE going to criticize what he likes to listen to because you don’t like it? ooookay.


I thought the contrast was interesting, jarbabyj, between this:

and this:

Are you saying you see nothing inconsistent here? :slight_smile:

I’m seeing that you’re saying that Rammstein sucks…if I’m wrong, I’m sorry.

I DID find it odd that Dark Lord admitted to liking Rammstein, but I’ll admit that I was “pleasantly surprised” :slight_smile: besides, I think you’ll agree since you dislike them that they don’t fall neatly into a “heavy metal” category. I don’t know what they are, I just like them a lot. I’m not flaming you, just wanted some clarification.

rock on.


I don’t think Rammstein sucks, per se. I do think they’re pretty derivative, but that’s not the same thing. I just thought it was humorous that someone was wondering how anyone could possibly like Slayer, and then at the same time profess love for Rammstein. I was taking the perspective of someone from the outside, looking in and thinking, “Uhh, aren’t they the same thing?”

I know you like Rammstein a lot; I don’t. If you want, we can discuss why we hold our respective positions, thus boring everyone else in this thread, but at the same time making David B move it back to GD. :slight_smile:

I had to reply to this one because I am a big Cryptopsy fan. These days I usually listen to classical, avant garde, and some jazz but I can definately still appreciate heavier styles. Usually I find vocals distracting because I like to be able to relax and think with music in the background. Metal is appealing to me for its cathartic values. For example, yesterday - after 3 hours in a traffic jam Slayer really hit the spot. In my opinion some current ‘metal’ bands like discordance axis are far more complex than almost anything else today and are also much more talented musicians. Its all a matter of what mood you want the music to invoke.

I stepped away from the board to go buy some Starburst jellybeans and realized that I’d interpretted everything you’d written wrong. I’ve oft complained that it’s hard to type a tone of voice on the internet so when you said,

I took it to mean “You’re saying HE has bad taste when YOU’RE the one with bad taste.” i’m sorry for interpreting it that way.

And yet…somehow…life goes on :smiley: No harm done. the less people that like Rammstein, the easier it is for me to get backstage…although, might I suggest that you give their next album a chance? Even hardcore rammstein fans agree that the band has improved exponentially…even learned to SING a little bit :wink:

Well, at least this thread is productive, and has actually helped me. :smiley: Perhaps one of these days I’ll grin and bear it and sit and listen carefully to some metal. Perhaps. Regardless, to Necros: your comment about me liking Rammstein but disliking metal is well deserved, I suppose. But I’ve always seen Rammstein as a quasi-techno gibberish band who were a parody of themselves, not really as metal. But let’s not split hairs here, okay? I’m over the “metal sucks” stage, and I appreciate its fanbase, as I see there are quite a few fans here. I guess I was ignorant before, and now I’m not, eh? That’s the purpose of SDMB, no?


Thanks everyone.

I’ve been listening to metal for around 18 years, and I still love it. For starters, the music gives me an energy boost; great when working late at night. Also, depending on the band, the lyrics can be pretty interesting too. I’m thinking here of Blind Guardian, who have some seriously cool mythology based lyrics. Many of these guys are extremely talented; if you don’t know what you’re listening to, it can sound like noise. I agree with Edward the Head, early Motorhead is excellent, and I would also recommend the aforementioned Blind Guardian, as well as early Exciter. Ultimately, its a matter of taste.

Contrary to what some people seem to think, I can attest that there is a tremendous amount of variety within the “metal” genre. Listen to Infectious Grooves, then listen to In Flames. Listen to Brujeria, then listen to Meshuggah.

In addition, to those doubting heavy music’s complexity, Meshuggah is a bit more palatable than most classically-influenced er… “AD&D metal,” I guess. They might be a good starting point to picking up on the techniques of metal.


Oh…i understand, no seriously i do…In Dust We Trust…oi! :slight_smile:

Oh…and by the way…Rammstein is the post millenial version of Laibach, those nutty Slovacs. Rammstein is basically them, but without the political agenda.