Hell And Murderers

By all means try to prevent people from being damned - all credit to Jesus for his efforts.
What I could never get my head around was the idea that God, being good, could contemplate the eternal torture of one soul, let alone the countless millions who sinned, failed to heed the Christian message, or had the misfortune (?) to be born into a different culture.

I just wondered how God would react to a good person who decided, at the last minute, to sacrifice his/her own soul in solidarity with those who had been consigned to the pit - who knows, perhaps this brave soul might find some of the damned billions still retained a little goodness that could be cultivated…

More specifically, I have a question about Calvinism. Calvinists believe, I think, that God has already decided whether you are one of the saved or not - predestination. I won’t go into the paradoxes this idea creates in relation to doing good while you’re alive, but does anyone know if there has ever been a Calvinist convinced s/he was one of the damned?