This is my first time posting on this board, so Hello, everybody.
My question is this: I’ve been getting messages on my answering machine of the recording: “Your call did not go through, please check the number…”. Does anyone know how it is possible for someone to call me & this message gets recorded on my machine?
what usually happens , especially in the days of call waiting is that you have made a call and then hung up because no one answers. Then perhaps you have picked up the phone and set it down again kind of “reconnecting” the failed call. Since this call has nowhere to go it usually ends up in the answering machine. Especially if the answering machine is supplied by the phone company (is. its on your phine line).
That 's what usually happens in my experience… but I am sure that someone out there has a far more technical answer to this…
WELCOME to the SD!
Someone calls your number. Your answering machine answers. The caller quickly hangs up at the beginning of your answering machine message. Your answering machine does not “hear” that the caller hung up, and continues its job. Your answering machine message is rather long. During that time, the dead line has cycled from hung up to dial tone to the recording “Your call did not go through. Please hang up and try your call again.”
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