Help an infovore with a high metabolism

I read a lot, and watch a lot of documentaries. Magazines, books, blogs, encyclopedias. I don’t think this is unusual for a member of this community. My only issue is that I don’t retain nearly as much information as I wish I did.

Does anyone have any suggestions as to how I can increase my retention?

One thing I’ve realized is that I remember things much more effectively if I tell someone about what I’ve just read/seen. But, unfortunately it’s simply not practical to constantly bore my friends with what I learned today about butyrate or heat-assisted magnetic recording.

You could always just bore your fellows dopers by posting random things you read in MPSIMS. It seems like an appropriate forum for such ramblings.

Or, if you read something you find particularly interesting, you could jot down a couple of notes on it in a journal (blogs are great for random stuff like this!) or talk to yourself about it. That way, you’re still actively processing the information, but not boring anyone else with it.