Help! Avoiding NetZip

Whenever I click on a .wav link, NetZip wants to save the file to my hard drive before it plays it. What if I don’t want to save it? What if I just want to hear it being played on the browser? How can I avoid saving it?

“I must leave this planet, if only for an hour.” – Antoine de St. Exupéry

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are you using netzip 3.5? because i do not think it is possible to do what you would like to do with 3.5, but possible with the prior versions.

What browser?

THe browser setup & plugins define what happens to a file or link when you click on it.

I’m using the latest version of Netscape Communicator. There’s got to be a switch somewhere where I can tell it, “Don’t use NetZip to read wavs or movies. Use the browser. Only download when I say to download.”

(I’m at work, BTW; so I’ll have to wait 'til I get home to try anything.)

“I must leave this planet, if only for an hour.” – Antoine de St. Exupéry

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Go to Edit/Preferences/Navigator/Applications. There will be a list of all file types and how the browser handles them. You can then set it to have whatever program you’re using for .wav files play it instead of downloading it.


I looked in there before, but I don’t know how to set it up. There are 2 things that saw WAV Audio, and one that says NetZip, plus a raft of other things.

What (specifically) do I do in Edit/Preferences/Navigator/Applications?

“I must leave this planet, if only for an hour.” – Antoine de St. Exupéry

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You should see a list of file types; scroll down until you find WAV files–you may see multiple entries, and as far as I know, it’s OK to delete all but one (I’ve done it before and never had any problems). Select the one you want, and click on “edit” and you should get a dialog box where you have the choice between “save to disk” and “handled by program.” Select the second one, then browse to find the program you want to use to play the wavs. I use SNDREC32.EXE which on my computer is in the C:\WIN98 folder.

There are 2 WAV Audio files. One has “x-wav” and the other has “wav” under “MIME Type”. Unfortunately, neither has an “edit” option (it’s greyed out). :frowning:

“I must leave this planet, if only for an hour.” – Antoine de St. Exupéry

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Hmmm…now you’ve exhausted my particular expertise in this area. The only thing I can suggest at this point is set up a new file type for wavs and delete the other ones.

Actually, I think you want to go to the Download Deamon and choose options, and click on the file types tab. Then delete the .wav association.

>>Being Chaotic Evil means never having to say your sorry…unless the other guy is bigger than you.<<

—The dragon observes

I didn’t see any “Download Daemon” program to start! Didn’t see it in NetZip either. But I did notice something that said “Disable browser watch” in the Start menu. When I went to the wav link, it was loaded into the browser with QuickTime. No downloading! Woohoo! :slight_smile:


“I must leave this planet, if only for an hour.” – Antoine de St. Exupéry

Are you a turtle?