At least I think that’s what they are. Strong convulsive coughing, with that consistent “catch” deep in my chest that makes me cough over and over and over again, until I’m literally seeing stars. Can’t take a deep breath, can’t catch my breath, can’t stop coughing.
This has happened about three times in the last 24 hours or so. I can breathe again now, but I can feel it there in my lungs, just WAITING to trigger again. I’m afraid to cough. Or eat, or drink, or clear my throat.
Advice? Do I have to go to the doctor?
Yes. You have to go to the doctor for this one. Your condition cannot be diagnosed over a message board. Could be asthma, could be pertussis, could be SARS for all I know (but that one is not real likely).
See your doc!!
Thanks, Qadgop. That’s what I was afraid of…I feel like I need an inhaler, or a new set of lungs maybe.