Help. I suck at chess

I’m unqualified to speak to Kasparov specifically, but this is certainly true in the general case.

And has led to no end of No True Scotsman arguments and fallacies about computer chess, AI chess, and AI in general.

In some tellings popular back in the day, “chess” wasn’t a board, 32 pieces, and some rules. But rather it was some mystical half-magical thing that took place in mind-space. Computers, lacking mind-space, by definition couldn’t “play chess” no matter how effectively they moved the pieces on the board according to the rules to defeat human players.

Here’s a quote from the other current chess thread:

Simplifying a bunch, GM Nunn’s comment that “Nobody rated below 2400 understands chess.” says he sees a divide there between uncomprehending piece-movers and understanding chess players.