Help Identify 70s Broadway Show

When I was a kid growing up in NJ in the 1970s, we’d see a lot of TV ads for Broadway shows.

One was a fairly typical overview of the plot and characters, and my memory is that it was some kind of comedy, maybe set in a tropical resort? It was probably in 1974-77.

The real reason I remember it was the tag line, where a character who seemed to be some kind of genie, maybe, saying only “and I’m Badinieu”. (guessing the spelling) which was so weird and out of place that my brother and I thought it hilarious.

I doubt the show ran very long, but can anyone help me with the show’s name? Since I can’t be sure how to spell “Badinieu” it’s been hard to research.

Hi, mtnmatt:

The show is probably Sarava, which is based on an earlier movie and novel, Dona Flor and Her Two Husbands.

Thanks for posing the question.

Thank you so much, Sprinting.

This info lead me to this commercial which is a little different than the cut I remember but definitely the same show and guy playing Vadinho.

Thanks for this - I grow up at the same time and in the same place, and this thread reminded me of the Broadway ad I remembered - a man dramatically singing “This land is Anderson land” which turns out to be from Shenandoah