Help! I'm a one-trick pony!

Well, the college registration windows are coming up, and there just aren’t enough philosophy and political science courses for my to stay interested all semester. I’ve got at least one slot open, maybe two, for a 12-hour semester. This is my last year, and I’d really like to take something interesting.

Thus far, I’ve really only taken courses that relate to law and philosophy. I’m really the definition of a one-trick pony, and I’d like to expand my horizons a bit. However, there are a few things I’m going to avoid regardless:

  • Math. Symbolic logic is basically the extent of my interest in math. I’m terrible with trig and trig-related fields, and I just have no interest in pursuing algebra any further.

  • Languages. The way languages are scheduled here, I’d need to come in five days a week at the ungodly hour of 7 AM, and I’m just not going to do that.

  • Chemistry, biology, physics. Unless you can recommend a branch that it would be relatively easy for me to jump into with practically no prior understanding, these are pretty much out of the question.

So tell me… what interests you, and why should I take it?

How theater classes? They are fun and get you out of your brain for a bit (or rather, use a different part of it I suppose). Plus, you’ll meet theater people and they always party hearty. :slight_smile: Doesn’t need to be acting… could be carpentry, costume, etc. When you have a very “mental” major, sometimes it is really good to work with your hands.

If you’re interested in Poli Sci, it certainly wouldn’t hurt to take a few history classes. Try to take anything that has The Prince on the reading list, as the class discussions alone would make the course worth it for you. Failing that, your university might offer a “history of thought” course.

A little geeking wouldn’t hurt. A basic understanding of computers will make your life easier.

I’m biased, but I always thought for broadening the ol’ horizons anthropology can’t be beat. Or maybe a psychology class; see if they offer something involving sex.

Art, art, art. You may have to work your butt off, but it will be rewarding. I take no blame if you suddenly decide that glassblowing is way cool and you change your major and stay in school for five more years. In general, just take something that you will actually enjoy (don’t do it just to be well-rounded, but because you’ll want to learn.)
-Alyssa, who remembered to take fun classes early in school!

I would think history would be essential for you. Really understanding either philosophy or law requires a good knowledge of history.

:climb up on a soap box: All science departments have courses aimed at students with no previous understanding of their particular science. All science departments also understand that many students know less math than an ancient greek, some 2500 years ago. Just because you believe you would be terrible is no reason not to try a course. A good deal of modern law and philosophy require some understanding of science. And who knows, you might find you like some field and end up a patent attorney or something.

One big advantage of math and physics is that it is a lot easier to convince someone that their argument is illogical than it is in philosophy or law. Think of it as training in logic. (To many a physicist, math is nothing more than the language of symbolic, logical thought.) You might suck at it, but it doesn’t sound like you really know.

An intro to geology course would be really interesting, especially if you need a science for graduation. There’s no need to have had chemistry, physics, or heavy math. They teach you from the beginning without assuming that you’ve had any of the material before, and it’s absolutely fascinating. Unlike many other classes, where what you learned last chapter is essential for the next, the first geology course is a broad overview of many geological topics. Also, it’s not just about rocks, you learn about weathering, and how water shapes landscapes, about earthquakes, etc.

It’s not the easiest class, but very fun, AND, you get to color your lab work. (My SO always makes fun of me for coloring in college.–btw, I’m in a geology degree program)

Maybe film studies? I’m in engineering but I really hope I can do a flim elective.

When I went for my bachelor’s in English and Anthropology, I gravitated more towards the introductory hard science classes. Those two introductory geology classes were a blast. I also did Japanese, but you already said that languages are out, which is a shame.