I’ve taken classical piano for nigh on 11 years now, and am very proficient in it. But, being a junior in high school, I find that, whilst jamming with my friends, pieces by Chopin and Bach just don’t go very well with blues chords and drum beats. Also, I’ve been progressivly getting more and more into blues and jazz since middle school, and would like to learn that jazz-style playing.
I love classical, and will keep playing it, but I’ve found that it is almost completely dependant on sheet music, since most of the composers are dead. This unfortunate fact has resulted in my near complete lack of real understanding of chord structures, improvisation, and the like.
To remedy this, I think I am going to begin taking jazz lessons, in addition to my classical ones. However, while I’m looking for a teacher, and even after I start, I could use some basic advice/drills/pieces/books that all of the musicians out here on the SDMB have to offer. Any suggestions about how I should go about learning? What I should start with? What not to do? I’m all ears, and am in your worthy hands.