Help me figure out who this Musician is please

I am of course and Avid Bob and Tom fan and listen to their radio show 6 days a week.
They had a guest on who is the genius who wrote a song that is running rampant in my head.

I can remember some of the lyrics but cannot find who the Singer is (So I can go buy his albumn)

Here are the chorus {which I can remember}

B double E double R U N beer run,
B double E double R U N beer run,

All we need is a ten and a fiver
a car and a key and a sober driver

B double E double R U N beer run.

WHo is this guy, I gotta know I have been singing it all damn day.

Garth Brooks and George Jones. It’s a pretty good song. I’m glad to see George Jones back on the radio again, with both “Beer Run” and “My Old Man”, his newest solo single.

Uhhh…I’m pretty sure that it wasn’t Garth Brooks. I know he has a song called Beer Run. But I’m positive it wasn’t on Bob and Tom.

Try going to and asking them…

yeah doing that this morning, was just hoping someone would have known last night.

Thanks you two anyway.

Osip, in case you’re not listening to Bob & Tom right now, they are talking about Beer Run. The guy’s name is Todd Snyder - not sure of the spelling, but that’s the name they said.

The George Jones song is not the same.

Thanks Dire Wolf… where you been anyway?

dire wolf got it!

check out Todd Snyder! he’s a hoot! know as “the bare-foot trubador”, he has some damn fine material, including the prenuptual song he wrote for a friends wedding! too damn funny, and also, “i think i’m an allright guy”. classic stuff.

Yeah, now I gotta find some of his CD’s

hey is he the musician that was a former professional boxer?
I have heard some of his stuff on the radio. Sold me on getting a CD or two.

thanks all!!

DING! Now I remember. He was in the studio when he played “Beer Run”, and he was talking about his career. I think he fought (and lost to) Roberto Duran.
And where have I been? Forgetting that I replied to this thread! Pass the gingko. (Fortunately, Mauvaise pointed out that you posted.)