Help me find a chess video

I watched a chess video a little while ago that showed a famous chess game but now I can’t find this video any more.

What I remember is that approx. 15-20 moves in, the game was completely symmetrical EXCEPT for 1 black knight and 1 white knight that were not quite symmetrical. I believe these 2 pieces were just 1 diagonal square away from being symmetrical. What made this game famous is that from this almost symmetrical position, the game was over in the next 5-7 moves.

Helpful put possibly incorrect information is:

  • I “think” this was on the agadmator channel on Youtube
  • I “think” this is a Bobby Fischer game.

Any idea what game this was ?

I watched this one a few weeks ago and recognized it from your description.

Thank You !!!

I read this as ‘Cheese’.