Help me find Hamlet stuff

Brava, Katisha, Brava!

And may I say that your right shoulder blade is just as lovely as your left?

I laugh myself sick at the Derek Jacobi/ Patrick Stewart film. Hamlet’s (Jacobi) two years older than Claudius.

The Danish play is far and away the favourite. But I have been known to enjoy the Scottish play…


I read Macbeth four years ago; methinks it shall go on my list next.

Hi Katisha!

With apologies for the hijack, I can’t resist posting something I just read in John Henry Newman’s The Idea of a University. Newman was a Catholic convert in the mid-1800s, and he is writing about whether Protestant English literature is bad for Catholics (answer: no, as long as you keep your sources in mind). Here’s what he says about Shakespeare:

Just shows that the temptation to speculate about Shakespeare’s religious leanings has been irresistable for some time.