Help me ID this 70's toy

My stepbrother had this toy in the mid-70’s. I’ve googled this thing to death off and on for over a year and am about to give up. Any toy collectors out there have it in a book or something?

Roller coaster with only 1 cart.
Mostly plastic.
Possibly blue and white?
Meant for younger children, kindergarten.
Cart slowly climbs a riser, does a flip at the top, rolls down curvy track, repeats.
May have bobbed up and down while climbing.
All in one unit, not like an assembly of tracks like race car sets.
Can’t recall if it’s wind up or battery operated, but made a distinctive mechanical gear noise at the flip.
Approximately the size of a basketball.
Rounded rectangle or oval base.
Track was only a couple layers high, no loops.
Car was boxy, heavy, mechanism was in the car, not the track.
The car would frequently fall to the ground and need to be placed on track.
No removable character sat in car.
Not expandable or customizable.
Sold in the U.S, probably purchased in Texas.
Was not the Penguin, Cyclone, Skiers, Jet, Chein, Fisher Price, or Mickey Mouse one.


I have read this and have nothing to add. Just letting you know…

Well, the good news is you’re not crazy, I remember this too, though I think it’s older than the 70s. The bad news is that I’m now fruitlessly googling as well. :mad:

This is what I remember having but it sounds a little different from what you describe: Buggy Racer

This had two cars. Each had a hand crack connected to the unit by a bendy spring thing. Turning the crank brought your car to the top of the track. This was a lot of fun.

It sounds vaguely like the Coaster version of the Hot Wheels Flip N Go toy. There were several different Flip N Go toys. (There are differences from your description, but I hesitate to attribute the differences to either your 30-years-past memory or a totally different toy.)

It could be older, although it appeared to be new, but I can’t remember who gave it to him which might have given me a clue.

Nope, that’s not it either.

It has been a few years, and I was only 2 years older than him so I’m going on a childhood memory too. I might have a fact or two wrong. If I heard the noise I’d be able to pick it out of a lineup though. The sound is still crystal clear in my head. Funny the most obscure things that hang around in your head. Anyway, nope, not any of the Hot Wheels things looked familiar either.
Off to google some more…

Does it go “zip” when it moves and “bop” when it stops, and “whirrrrrr” when it stands still?

Not what the OP describes, but the description reminded me of this penguin roller coaster toy.

Heh. That was trippy. :cool: