I would date it from around 1970. Very ethereal string piece, starts with two bold downstrokes on the violins. Has a kind of pulsating quality, more like a clock ticking than a heart beat:
Not from a science fiction movie. Maybe a romance/heist flick like The Thomas Crown Affair.
I heard it briefly on the radio a few days ago, and while I probably could have identified it immediately when I was younger, I now have a complete memory block and it’s driving me crazy!
Tons of 70’s ethereal pieces like that, but the opening violins are throwing me. Maybe a Morricone piece? Doesn’t sound like John Barry, or Lalo Schifrin or Henry Mancini.
None of the above. Not at all frenetic or macabre. More … pensive, if anything. Slow, like a clock ticking. The kind of music you might listen to in the dark in front of a lava lamp. (Well, I would, anyway.)
Definitely not classical. I would have recognized Beethoven’s Eroica instantly.
The first two notes of the above phrase sound like that, but slower and richer in tone. Not at all murderous, either. Maybe the kind of music you’d hear watching a spaceship as it sails through the galaxy or travels in time. But again, I’m pretty sure it’s not from a science fiction movie.
As far as I can determine with my limited musical knowledge, the beats are
ONE (rest); TWO (rest, rest, rest); three-and-four (rest). One, two (rest), and four and one-two (rest, rest, rest). Three, four.
There should be an app for this sort of thing; sing a few bars of the tune into your laptop or iPhone and it automatically finds the one you’re looking for (or a number of possibilities from which to choose). Whoever comes up with this will make a fortune!
Soundhound does just that - I haven’t used it in a while so I pulled it up - and it got “America the Beautiful” from singing and “row row row your boat” from humming, but failed on two other ones that I am too embarrassed to mention.
Well, I now know exactly what it is, but I also cannot remember its name.
I keep thinking it’s “someone’s theme” from a war movie like The Killing Fields or Merry Christmas Mr Lawrence, but neither of those are correct, it’s just a general feeling I have.
All the notes are bold strokes on violins, with a slow pace and long spaces between most notes.