There are two creatures in particular that are commonly encountered on New Jersey beaches and I’m curious as to what they’re called.
The first are tiny clam/mussel type things, pure white and no more than 1/3" long, that very rapidly bury themselves in the sand when uncovered.
The second is what looks like a giant pillbug, gray with a many legs, and I believe a many segmented/hinged body (shell?)- kinda like an armadillo. They’re about 2" long and live a few inches deep in sand where the water is also only a few inches deep (well, maybe out farther too, but this is where I commonly encountered them).
Anyone have a scientific or even widely used common name for either of these guys?
Some of my happiest childhood memories are of digging up these very creatures on the Jersey shore, a couple of blocks from my grandparents’ house in Margate (near Atlantic City): the first we always called rainbow clams, although I have no idea what their real name is. The second we always called sand crabs. We weren’t exactly marine scientists, though.
Me too! I somehow got into a conversation with a friend in CA about random sea creatures, and when he told me that they don’t have either of these things over there, I was determined to find pictures for him.
It’s been several years since I’ve seen either, hence my descriptions being a bit off.
Thanks guys! They are indeed bean clams and mole crabs.