I can hear Mr. Rilch in the bedroom, still laughing his ass off over an exchange that went like this.
Me: No one really has the time to scrutinize each and every little Fun Size Snickers and roll of Sweet Tarts. All that’s just an urban legend anyway.
Him: No, f’d up s happens all the time. I heard about it constantly when I was a kid.
Me: No, I told you, no one’s every really given out contaminated candy. It’s just an urban legend.
Him: No, I’ve heard about it! Listen, you check the online papers over the next week, and I guarantee you—
Me: NO. There was only one such documented case, and that was the guy doing it to his own kid.
Him: I heard about it all the time!
Me: Did it happen to people you know?
Him: What?
Me: Did you read about it in the paper?
Him: Why are you putting me on the spot?
Me: Did you hear it on the—
Him: Did you hear about the guy who kidnapped a little girl and molested her and chopped her up and left her in the desert?
Me: That’s my point. Someone as sick as that will do what they do directly; they’re not going to dick around with candy.
Him: I’m telling you, there are going to be reports of candy with pins in it, or sprinkled with Drano, or—
Me: But do you have any cites for this? If you didn’t read about it in the paper, or hear it on the news, or it didn’t happen to someone you know—
Him: Well, I don’t remember anyone coming in with a bloody mouth, but—
Me: Then you have no proof that it ever has happened.
Him: I’m telling you—
Rilchiam darts across hall to office, sweeps up armful of Jan Harold Brunvand books, returns to bedroom and begins indexing. Finds relevant article. Mr. Rilch doesn’t want to listen. Rilch asks why he won’t believe a researcher. Mr. Rilch asks for Brunvand’s credentials. Rilch begins reading them aloud, eventually shouting to be heard over Mr. Rilch’s raucous laughter. She departs, indignant, as he continues to scoff at the idea of a “folklorist” as a valid source.
Finally I left without completing Mr. Rilch’s nightly headscratch, and flung myself onto the boards. So! How can I knock some sense into this guy?