Help me make a good strawberry margarita

I need some help in making strawberry margaritas. I can make normal ones pretty good, but the strawberry ones are not coming out the best. They are not sweet enough.

Last night I tried using, frozen strawberrys
1/2 cup Jose Cuvero(sp)
1 1/2 cup mix
plus a bit of sugar to make them sweeter.

So what can I do to make them better? I’ve been thinking it’s the strawberries, but that’s about as good as I can guess.

I have also thrown a half or whole frozen banana in the blender with ingredients like you describe. It gives a slightly sweet, and slightly creamy texture to the drink…making it a bit closer to what I have had in most restaurants.

Oh…and I would add a couple of shots of Triple Sec as well.

Happy experimenting!

I always substitute strawberry liqueur for the Triple Sec when making strawberry margaritas.