For a goodly portion of my life I’ve held dear the notion of learning to play a musical instrument; specifically, the tenor or bass trombone. Now, understand, owing to certain family difficulties, the closest I’ve ever come to playing an actual instrument was the brief posession of a plastic Suzuki recorder in fourth grade, and then I probably learned nothing more complex than “Three Blind Mice”. Nor can I claim any great competency in reading sheet music or otherwise being anything more than a total dimwit with regard to the production of melodic noise.
[li]Should I even bother trying to learn to play the trombone, or is it totally hopeless?[/li][li]Am I diving into the deep end with this selection of instrument? Should I start with something easier, like the kazoo?[/li][li]Where is the best place to look for an instrument of reasonable quality? Should I buy cheap and trade up, or spend the money on a better grade of instrument outright?[/li][li]Where is the best place, in the context of a post-collegiate environment, to seek tutoring in this instrument and basic music instruction?[/li][li]How long is it likely to take me to develop even a marginal competency to where the noise I make no longer frightens small children and makes neighborhood dogs bark insanely?[/li][li]Should I just give up the whole business and take a trip to Tahiti instead?[/li][/list]