Five of us have a pool every season. The procedure is that after the second episode, we each submit a list of four or five teams in preference order. The organizer (that would be me) then picks names out of a hat for the order that we pick teams – the first picker gets his or her first choice; the second picker gets his or her first choice, unless person one took them, otherwise his or her second choice; the third picker gets the top team from his or her list who hasn’t been taken yet, etc. So I need to pick five teams and rank them. I don’t have to state my list till after next week’s show, but it’s not too early to start thinking about it.
So – who looks good to you? Not “who do you like,” but who do you think has a shot at it?
(Last year I had David and Jeff – IIRC, pool members had all three of the top teams.)