Help me price some action figures please!

I have a small selection of action figures I’m looking to sell. I have no idea what they’re worth. I’m just planning on going to the local comics shop and unloading them rather than hassle with eBay or whatever, so it’s not like I’m expecting to get anything approaching actual value. But I’d like to have an idea of the value so I don’t get ripped off. I have:

3.5" Tick made as a tie-in to the FOX cartoon series. Dated 1994. Mounted on card, no sticker damage.

3.5" Chairface Chippendale, same as above.

Marvel Collector Editions Alpha Flight: Sasquatch and Vindicator set. Sasquatch approximately 6", Vindicator approximately 5". Made by Toy Biz, dated 1999, mounted on card. No sticker damage. Includes Sasquatch “motion collector card.”

Northstar and Aurora set, same as above, each figure approximately 5". No sticker damage. Includes Northstar/Aurora “motion collector card.”

DC Direct Wonder Woman dated 1999, 6" mounted on card, includes double-headed battle axe and shield. I know there were two versions of this figure, one regular and one limited edition. I’m pretty sure I have the regular-issue but I don’t know what the difference is. Slight sticker residue on the plastic but I could remove that pretty easily if it makes a difference. Slight damage to the bottom edge of the card.

Any assistance in pricing would be appreciated, or if anyone knows a good online price guide that’d be good too.

I can help you with this one, my current Lee’s Toy Review says that Wonder Woman is around $25, but with Armor it’s $40. Don’t know what that means. I don’t think you’d get much for them at a store, you might very well be better off selling them on eBay. I would look on eBay and see what they have and what they go for. These price guides tend to not show what people will pay for them.

I don’t know of any online price guides, so I would like to know if there is one as well.

Dude, eBay is retail; selling them to your local retailer is wholesale.

Take the time.

I’ve listed the WW figure before and gotten no bids, probably because it’s not the super-duper deluxe limited edition. I understand that if anyone actually wants them on eBay I’ll make more money but it honestly is not worth the hassle to me to deal with eBay and nutso buyers and what have you. These were all given to me by an ex so they cost me nothing, so no matter what I get for them I’m not losing money on the deal. I just want to get some idea of a book value.

Yeah, the only way to find out true and fair values is to look up recent COMPLETED eBay auctions, to see what the current market says these figures are going for. A comic shop will never offer you close to a fair price for those (and may not even want them, since DC Direct has released newer/nicer Wonder Woman figures since that first one). You’re better off either selling them on eBay (if there’s any demand at all, and you like the current prices), or just hanging onto them.

Sorry, I didn’t hit Refresh, so I posted before reading your last post, Otto. The problem with the Wonder Woman is that DC Direct has improved their sculpting (thanks in large part to a talented sculptor named Tim Bruckner), and they’ve released several versions of Wonder Woman since that first one that came out around 1998/99. If there wasn’t any demand before, it’s likely that collectors have bought more recent figures that are nicer – plus the scale has crept up to closer to 7", so the original WW will be quite short compared to other figures in people’s displays. I can’t see you getting more than $15 for it, honestly, and that would be a lucky break. I don’t mean to be the bearer of bad news, so I apologize in advance.